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My Second Major Tori Experience

Just recently, I got to go to my third Tori concert. I miraculously won tickets to see Tori at the HFSmas Holiday Nutcracker on December 6, 1999. This concert was in Washington, DC at the 9:30 Club. Minor detail: I'm from New Jersey and go to school in Philadelphia. That's not very close to Washington, DC but it was all completely worth it! My friend from home came drove 2 hours to pick me up on Monday morning and then we headed to DC which is a 3 hour drive from here. We got there at about 3:00 and tried to find a marking place in the city (another minor detail: we are *not* from the city and I am scared to death of it!) and we walked down to the club where a bunch of people were already waiting. The guy made us get in a single file line (which didn't last long!) and at first we believed that the meet & greet might be one where she meets with everyone personally, but sure enough it ended up being a big clutter and because we got there kinda late, there were about five people in front of me and since I am only 4'11'', it was nearly impossible for me to see anything. I was smushed up against a wall and tried using that to see more. This incredibly sweet girl, Valerie, was in front of me and passed up my To Venus and Back album and said, "This is for Elizabeth back there, she's really short, like four feet tall" and Tori was like, "Hi, Elizabeth!" I could just barely see her and said, "Hi, Tori" but I don't know if she noticed me. It was sooo cool though. I took a couple of pictures and had Valerie take a bunch more but the problem was that it was 5:00 PM and was raining and starting to get dark and *of course* I forgot my good camera and had to buy a disposable one without a flash! So NONE of them came out of course! :-(

So, anyway, we got in line at about 5:15 (the doors opened at 6:30) and waited. We ran back to the car in the pouring rain to get coats because not only was it raining, but it was getting cold too and I was hungry. We also went to the bathroom in the hospital. I know these are too many details!!! Anyway, we were in the front part of the line so when the doors opened, we jetted to the front and I was lucky enough to get right in the front to the right of her piano bench just a little bit. At one point these guys started invading my space but this really nice person, Joe, who was next to Valerie said, "Excuse me, but you're pushing her out of the way." Thank you!!! So, my friend and I were right up front and anticipating a wonderful concert.

I also got the awesome opportunity to meet Tori's Sunday School teacher. She was about three people down from me and told a story about her that was fairly amusing. She said that whenever they would act out the parable of the Good Samaritan, Tori would always want to play the theif. :-) Tee hee, I found that very amusing. After standing for another hour (FYI: I stood for a total of 6 hours that night!), she came out and performed a beautiful show, completely solo.... simply wonderful.... I found a few pictures from the m&g on the Dent's website (taken by Desere't), and these others are from the HFS website. Enjoy!


Pictures from the show

Meet and Greet pics

More Pictures from the show taken by Desere't

By the way, this was the setlist:
Take To The Sky
I'm On Fire

Silent All these Years