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Betsy's Way Cool Home Page

Welcome to Betsy's World! Thanks for stopping by!

Okay, so after HOW many years? I finally decided to log on and check it all out. Maybe write something new. There's lots that has changed...
here's an old pic of me, so you know what i look like- in case you forgot or are searching the web for me

I am currently working on trying to upload pics of the BBG, the Gates, the girls etc.
Big shout out to My Delta Girls, Belmont Kids, Yardley Representin!, and Colgate...

here are my girls at alli's wedding. yay! from left to right: Katy, Carolyn, Alli, Jane, Farrah, Betsy

Currently I am living in Columbus OH and working in retail.
Shout out to the Gate. Hope we do well this year and that we actually have a winning season...
Here's some of my favorite links: They are a little insight into my life :)

My alma mater is Colgate University, Hamilton NY. It's far from Columbus, Ohio, but I'll be back there at some point!
To Colgate University
Do not go to Colgate if you don't wear A&F, sevens, and you are a teetotaler. You better be able to hold your alcohol :)

I was a sister at Colgate's chapter of Delta Delta Delta:
To Colgate TriDelta Page
We got a house! how exciting! We are the smallest sorority on campus, of about 75 girls, and I am proud to be a Delta (lucky lady that I am!) I hope to go back to stay in the house for reunion next year

Ok, so I sing and have for quite some time. I sang in Colgate University's all female a cappella group, The Swinging Gates. To learn more about it, go here:
The Gates' Page
We have several amazing albums... the girls have really made the group sound amazing since I graduated.

I lived in Spain for 3 months my senior year of High School. When I went to Spain, we visited many places- among my faves was El Prado, also known as "the art museum"
Visit El Prado
This pic is Las Meninas, a personal favorite- It's ENORMOUS!

Thanks for coming to my page! Come back soon!

oh yeah. here's some random sites:

To Colgate 13 Page

Please Sign My Guestbook! But please, don't be retar-ted about doing so. if you have to be a buttmunch, be one somewhere else. Thanks.

Guestbook by GuestWorld

Guestbook Graphics by: Hey You!
