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Little Soldier

by Rachel Wiebe

Austin Wiebe

Rachel Wiebe's son, Austin, has Polyarteritis Nodosa. Here is her tribute to his brave struggle with the illness.

I wrote this poem to my son, Austin, shortly after his brain hemorrhage. His speech was just starting to come back and we knew he was going to make it. It was another night in the hospital and I couldn't sleep, so I put my pen to paper and wrote this poem.
Rachel Wiebe

Little Soldier

Little Soldier I see you standing in the front lines my little soldier
a place where even men might cower.

Your courage, your strength, always pushing forward your faith so pure and simple is your power.

Though not by your choice, you were called to this fight that tests your endurance with no end in sight.

And sometimes when you gaze to the heavens above, I wonder if you see the Angels and remember His promise of Love.

That in the heat of the battle,
The midst of the storm,
You rise above it, in the Master's palm.

Well, stand tall Little Soldier,
I hear the trumpet too,
Raise up your sword Victory is yours!
My salute to you, Austin!
Love, Mom.

Val is Austin's Godparent. She has subscribed to the PAN Support Group in place of Austin's mother.




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