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Dr. Eric Hoy

Dr.Eric S. Hoy, Ph.D., SI (ASCP) is Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas. He is also the chief medical advisor for the PAN Research and Support Network.Dr. Eric Hoy

His background in immunology and vasculitis research provides our network with an invaluable source of knowledge and understanding about the nature of vasculitis diseases.

If you have a question for Dr. Eric you can email him at

NOTE: Due to his schedule, Dr. Eric cannot guarantee responses to every question, but we'll do our best to publish them when possible. You can also ask questions by clicking on the REQUEST button on the homepage.

Important Message from Dr. Eric Hoy

I want to emphasize to everyone that I am a research guy, NOT a practicing physician. My opinions are just that - opinions - NOT medical advice. You should always consult your own doctor before making any decisions about your treatment. Most of the questions that I've answered on this list are things that you should be asking your own doctor.

I am strictly on a volunteer basis here. I am not selling anything, I have never gotten any money or other consideration for my association with the pansupport group, and I will not accept any payment for my participation here. I am here simply to learn from those of you who have this terrible disease.

Thank you,
Dr. Eric Hoy
Ph.D., SI(ASCP) is Clinical Associate Professor

"Hello, everyone!

I joined this list a couple of weeks ago, and I have been lurking in the background, reading the posts. My interest in autoimmune disease is academic, practical, and a bit personal. I have a family history of autoimmune disease, and I am beginning to feel some symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis (that is the personal bit). I teach General Immunology and Clinical Immunology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, and I also work for a company that develops diagnostic tests for autoimmune diseases. I am currently working with them to get 2 diagnostic tests for vasculitis through the FDA approval process.

I am particularly interested in learning what diagnostic tests the clinicians are using to establish the diagnosis of PAN, Wegener's, Microscopic Polyangiitis, etc.

I am beginning to see some disturbing evidence that some clinicians may have difficulty differentiating between the various vasculitides.

I am not a physician, so I cannot give medical advice. Most of you know more about treatment of PAN than I do, and I hope to learn from your experiences. I may be able to contribute to the group in discussions of diagnostic tests and their interpretation. I have enjoyed reading the dialog thus far, and I will continue to read and learn, even if I can't contribute. Thank you!

Eric S. Hoy, Ph.D., SI(ASCP)
Clinical Associate Professor
Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences
The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas

The opinions expressed here are mine alone, do not reflect the opinions of any employer, cost you nothing, and are probably worth what you paid for them."

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