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Poems, Pictures, and Cynical Commentary

Last year's ML homecoming group: (l to r) Nat, Me, Caroline, Geoff, Aaron, and Chris.

"My candle burns at both ends, it will not last the night, but ah, my friends, and oh, my foes, it gives a lovely light" - Edna St. Vincent Millay

Hey, everyone, I'm back! It's been a while, but I promise I will be more faithful to my page- heck, if Shea can do it, so can I. This is my humble (VERY humble) homepage. I am making what Nat calls my offering to the internet gods. Interesting... Well, here it is, all I have to offer:

Update <6/1/00>: New musing. New pictures.

Update: Okay, I am severely tired of updating this list, so please just check out the musings every so often. Everything else will be listed if it has updates, but I'm kinda tired of listing updates of musings. So just check the link below whenever you have a chance. Thanks :o)

Newest update: A new part of my page: Funny Quotes From People You Know. Click here to check it out. This could be your claim to fame!

Updates as of May the 17th of 2000: New Poems: Finale and Immortality. Explanations and dedications for some of the poetry. And new musings. Quotes.

UPDATE: May 3, 2000: More musings. See below link.

OH MY GOD! IT'S AN UPDATE!!!!!!! Yes, after months of self induced (and grounding induced) internet free living, I am back. For those of you who actually care. Hey to anyone who's reading this. Nat, Shea, and Jeff, your pages rock. Check out my Musings

Update: (1/12/00) A guy interview to give a bit of insight into the male mind for all the girls out there. Click here.

UPDATE! (12/13/99): Musings this weeks topic: ramblings inspired by Nathalie and the book "Generation X". Memories, nerds, and life on earth.

NEW LINK: This is one I highly recommend. This is legitimate (it was in Newsweek, so if you believe them, then go here) It's a site that allows you to donate food to the hungry- free of cost- just by taking a few minutes out of your day to go there and click on the button. The cost is covered by the sponsoring companys (completely clean companies) that advertise on the page. I tried it. Go see for yourself. It's a cool idea, and worth the time.

Update (12/4/99): New Photos on this page. (Boushie, you wanted your lovely mug on my page, see if you can find yourself in the picture on the bottom)

Latest Update (12/2/99): New Poem: Memoir

UPDATE (11/29/99): New poem: Polaris

Update (11/28/99): New poem up. Traveler

New: Photos! Halloween! Click here

Update (11/12/99): Just for Breakup week: Kyle asked me to list some heartbreak poems, so I put a few up. They are dedicated, but I didn't put the name of the person who has the great honor of having these dedicated to them. He'll know (actually: there are some to another person- They'll know) Read and respond! Thanks!

Just a few interesting places to visit:

One of the better places to get MP3's
Ashley's page- it has stories and stuff on it
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Get AOL Instant messenger- I'm chinaroze4
A useful MP3 resource

What I'm hoping to do on this site:

Chat with me on AIM: chinaroze4 or Ophelia1019
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