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The Pythagorean System

The Pythagorean System

This is the most used system. Pythagoras was considered the "Father of Mathematics." Pythgoaras is most commonly remembered for the Pythagoras Theorem, which states that The square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides." However, Pythagoras was primarily a mystic and philosopher. He believed that "all things are numbers," and that numbers represent spiritaul entites whose presence is felt in all existence. Pythagoras was born 582 B.C. on the Greek Island of Samos, in the Aegean Sea. Pythagoras taught that, "Evolution is the law of life; Numbers is the law of the Universe; Unity is the law of God." He believed that everything in the universe was subject to predictable progressive cycles. His meaning of measuring these cycles were the numbers 1 through 9. Numbers operate on the spiritual plane, while figures are for measuring things on the material plane.

Now, let's look at this system.

This system uses your full name at birth along with your birthdate, it also uses the science of Astrology and Tarot. Here is a look at the numeric values of the alphabet in this system:

A-1 * J-10/1 * S-19/1

B-2 * K-11/2 * T-20/2

C-3 * L-12/3 * U-21/3

D-4 * M-13/4 * V-22/4

E-5 * N-14/5 * W-23/5

F-6 * O-15/6 * X-24/6

G-7 * P-16/7 * Y-25/7

H-8 * Q-17/8 * Z-26/8

I-9 * R-18/9

There are four personal numbers in this system: the Life Lesson Number, the Soul Number, the outer Personality Number, and the Path Of Destiny number.

The First one is the Life Lesson Number. It represents the lessons you must learn in this lifetime and is the most significant in your choice of a career. This comes from the total of your full birthdate, (using mine for example, 10-06-1966.)

Next is your Soul Number, this is done by adding all the vowels in your name, the Soul Number is your real personality, the you that only you know, and noone really sees, unless you are intune with yourself.

The Outer Personality Number, this number is found by adding all of the constonants, The Outer Personality Number indicates how you appear to others; and is not necessarily what you really are, it also shows what people expect from you because of the image you present.

Your Path of Denstiny, this is found by adding the Soul Number and the Life lesson Number together, reducing each number. the Path of Destiny shows what you must do in this lifetime, what you came here to manifest.

There is one more that does not come into play until between the 30's through 40's,The Power Number, it is found by adding the Life Lesson and the Path of Destiny together, The Power number is a combination of all your talents.

Let's check out this system.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. born, (1-15-1929) January 15, 1929

Martin Luther King

419253 332859 2957

Let's first start with his birthdate:

January (1) + 16th (16/7) + 1929 (30/3)

Dr. King's Life lesson number is #11/2. Which 11/2 is the highest vibration, making him a very spiritual teacher, as well as a visionary, Leader, and a prophet. He had a dream, a dream that has yet to materialize, but has started the wheels turning.

Next, lets look at the Soul Number, 27/9. once again you can see that he believed world peace, with 27/9 being a humanitarian number, you can see that Dr. King, lead by example.

His Outer Personality Number again #11/2, You have seen him on TV, and seen pictures of him, the energy that he gave, was on of a higher power, which made him "Larger than Life."

Last of all, his Path of Destiny and again is #11/2, Dr. King was another leader from above, that was send down here it give us a view into ourselves, he was destined to become "One of the Greatest Civil Rights Leaders of all Time."

This chart shows just a small portion into Dr. Kings life, if I had the room on this web page, (which then I would have enough info to write a book, Hummm...there's a thought) Then you would see how numerology can even calculate the major events in his life.