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The Meanings Of The Numbers


- "First Cause." Zero is the "X" factor. Depending upon its placement, it illustrates the paradox of representing nothing and /or everything. While the zero is ciper denoting nothing, actually everything is contained in utero within the circle. It sybolizes potential not yet realized.


- "Let there be light"(Genesis 1:3) One represents the male principle, the yang. One is the real "IAM" of humanity, the unity of all, the unit of vibrational measuring. It is self-consciousness. KEYWORDS: original, independent, aggreeisve, individualistic, crreative, dominant; the first in a series, the leader


- "...AND GOD DIVIDED the light from the darkness" (Genesis 1:4) Two is the pair, the duo, Representing the feminine principle of receptivity, the yin, which seeks a union of two distnct entites, thus the development of choice began between good and evil, true and false. and positive and negative. KEYWORDS: adaptable, tactful, understanding, gentle, cautious; a follwer rather than a leader.


- The First Trinity, Adam and Eve and child. Thus three manifestation and expansion. It is the performer who possesses an annate appreciation of pleasure, romance, art, and beauty. it's creative imagination allows all things to be possible. KEYWORDS: expansive, sociable, dramatic, communicative, diversified, creative.


- The symbology of the four seasons and four winds is embodied in Ezekiel's vision of the four living greatures, the face of a man, the face of a lion, the face of an ox, and the face of an eagle (Ezekiel 1:5:14) Four - Square consciousness. The symbol of law, system and order, It is firmness, security, stability and conseratism. Four is nature and relates to the earth, therefore develops a practical nature, and through self-discipline, binds itself to a conventional routine excerise of its energy. KEYWORDS: from, work oder, practicality, construction, stability,endurance, disipline.


- METAPHYSICALLY a "river" repersents vital force. human beings are the container of this force, as a "Garden" symbolizes the body. Five is FREEDOM, change and advanture. Five attracts the opposite sex becaues of the irresistible magnetism, and this attraction set the stage for the domestic responsiblities which naturally follows under #6. KEYWORDS: versatility, resourcefulness, adaptablility, change, activity, travel, adventure, prmotion, speculation.


- THE PREPARATIONS for the emergence of humanity had all been made during the five days of creation, so on the sixth day, GOD made human beings. " in the image of GOD created He him, male and female created He them," (Genesis 1:27) Six IS CONSCIENTIOUS; it desires to bring harmony, truth, justice and a sense of balance into it's enviroment. Love and compassion are uppermost in its mind, and it can therefore be an effective teacher, counselor or healer. Others are drawn to it becaues of the understanding which emanates from it. KEYWORDS: Family and social responsibility, service, love, compassion, counseling, healing, creativity.


- THE PRINCIPLE NUMBER in the Bilbe; it is used innumerable times (some say over three hundred sixty) throughout both the Old and New Testaments. "but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD thy God....For six days the LORD made heaven and Earth...and rested on the seventh day; wherefore the LORD blessed the seventh day and hollowed it." (Exodus 20:10-11) Seven SEEKS ANSWERS. It tries to establish a philosophy by whixh to live and attempts to penetrat the mystery behind it's existence which it never questioned to this point. Becaues solitude is necessary for analysis, the seven feels the need to spend time alone, away from the crowds, in touch with nature. It looks for friendship with those of an elevated consciousness that can match its own. KEYWORDS: quiet, introspective, intuitive, analytical, inspirational, reclusive, philosophical, mystical.


- THE MYSTERY of the 8 is that of eternal and continuous spiral motion, which is constant throughout the universe. #8 will assume power, for it now has achieved control and responsiblity in it's chosen field. Recongnition and financial rewards are bestowed and expansion and growth in the business world take place. KEYWORDS: power, responsiblity, financial rewards, good judgement, recongnition.


- IS THE ULTIMATE, containing the forces of all the other numbers. It stands for complete cycle of growth. When Abram recieved his covenent from GOD and his new name, Abraham, he was "Ninety and Nine years old" (Genesis 17:1-5). Symbolically, his age reduces to a 9, to indicate that this was a period of time in which a spiritual cycle had been completed. the addition of the Hewbrew Heh(H) to Abram's name carries a #9 vibration as well. Nine is Selflessness and Compassion. Encompassing a love for all, it desires to apply it's energy to universal service. KEYWORDS: love, compassion, patience, universality, tolerance, selfless service, endings.

The Master Numbers

Beyond the spectrum of normal man are the Master Numbers 11, 22, 33. These numbers deal with genius, mysticism, spirituality, the psychic, and superior accomplishments. The Master Vibrations of the Universe and of Nature.


- THE NUMBER OF LIGHT. It represents the hidden "Knower." 11 stands for the self and the Christ-self, as a polarity within as ONE through embodied in the flesh. An inner voice calls to this vibration as it called to Abraham of old: "Arise, get thee out of thy country, into a land that I will show you." (Genesis 12:1) 11 is associated with supersciousness, and wisdom, and is existence on the highest plane of intellect and spirituality. KEYWORDS: altruism, community, inspirational, self-understanding, sensitivity, receptivity, artistic, inventive genius, androgynous in attitude, vissionary, idealism.


- THE MASTER BUILDER. 22 stands for redemption and the new order. A symbol that represents the understanding of the 22 is the "Tau," a letter of the Hebrew alphabet meaning the "Cross." The Hebrew aphabet is called the "Flame Alphabet" becaues it is composed of little flame symbols, which are assembled in various combinations. These letters were held sacred and meaningful, as each one denotes a certain degree of illumination, leading toward the awakening of the Divine Love within. 22 is practical idealism combining the vision of 11 with the added ability to put ideals into practice. KEYWORDS: practical genius, philanthropy, service to mankind, method, routine, systematic, ecology, love of nature and the earth, visionary.


- "TEACHER OF TEACHERS," who is willing to sacrifice self for others even to the point of becoming a martyr to the ideal. "Hope of Glory" (Romans 5:2). 33 reduced is 6, which brings healing with the wisdom from above, this vibration is your "Christ like" vibration, showing and sharing ultimate love, spirituality, and service to mankind. Keywords: mysticism, the psychic, intuition, compassion, counceling, healing, Illumination understanding.