May 2007 ~ Body Equality ~

All believers are important, in fact, vital to a healthy, complete Body of Christ. God called you and me with a purpose. Isn’t that one of the Four Spiritual Laws: God has a purpose for your life? What is that purpose? Have you found it yet? The world is waiting for you and me to take our place in the functional Body of Christ.

Listed on this page, is a poem that inspires indignation! ("New School Prayer") In this, the freest of nations, our children are forbidden to exercise their faith. Unborn babies are still being slaughtered by the thousands annually. There is really no need to decry the desperate condition of our society. But where is the Church? Why is hopelessness the trademark of an entire generation of young people? The state of the society reflects the ineffectiveness of the Church.

In Romans 12:1-13, 1 Peter 4:7-11 and Ephesians 2:19-22, we find an image of what God desires the Church, His Body to be. One Body with many parts, all functioning with one goal: to share the love of Jesus every place we go, and one purpose: to glorify God in all we say and do. Jesus is our Head, directing our every step, every word, every deed. We maintain our individuality and uniqueness because we are not created to be clones, but children of God.

Here, we are presented with God’s definition of the functional Church. (I am referring to the Body of Christ, not any one denomination.) Read I Peter 2:5-12

Twice in this section, God calls us as individuals joined together in "an holy priesthood.” Not any one person ... since none of us can contain the fulness of the Godhead. No one part has more value than another ... none is more necessary to the Body or the world than the others ... We are each vital to the healthy working of the Church. This is what Jesus calls us to be. This is what the world is crying out for us to be.

The “priesthood of believers” has been a hot issue since the Protestant Reformation. Unfortunately, we haven’t made much progress. We have grown accustomed to being spoon fed at the hand of other people, instead of learning to discern the Truth for ourselves from the Word of God. We have laid on our pastors, (and they have accepted) the responsibility of teaching and equipping us ..... for what? To sit every Sunday in the same spot? Doesn’t the Word say that the Holy Spirit is our Teacher ... our Equipper?

Read John 16:7-15 & 1 John 2:24-27 .

We have been guilty of idolatry, which is simply immoderate attachment or devotion to something or someone. We have become dependent on our pastors, preachers, ministers, and priests and worship leaders! God, forgive us! It is not their responsibility to feed us or take us into the Presence of God! It is OUR responsibility! Aren’t we the royal priesthood? (1 Peter 2:9) We’re supposed to be feeding the lambs. Instead we are growing fat and selfish with no works to demonstrate the faith we claim. Lord, help us!

This is not to say pastors are not necessary, but I think our understanding of that term has become distorted. The calling of the pastor is to support and encourage us as we minister to the world and each other, to facilitate the ministries God gives to each of us. Interesting thought?

Read 2 Timothy 2:15 & 3:14-17. The Holy Spirit is the Equipper and Teacher, and pastors or priests are the overseers, the fascilitators, and the encouragers of us, the ministers!

Do YOU have a relationship with Jesus? If not, that must be your starting place! In your own words, ask Jesus to take over your life. Confess your sinfulness to Him and your need for His help. Then trust Him to do it!!!


For ages and ages, the "Church" has been feeble and impotent, not affecting positive change in a lost and dying world. We do not know how to seek God, or how to feed from His hand. We must learn! The lost are still lost and many, many, many believers have become stagnant and disillusioned. Millions of believers today flounder apparently on their own because it makes more sense than "going to church". We are called with a purpose! God show us that purpose! We all know that the Church is US ... not a building made with hands, right? We know this stuff ... we just haven't yet gotten the revelation into our hearts ... or into our congregations! But I believe that is a primary concern of the Holy Spirit in these days. Call it "Bridal Preparation"! lol But He will do it! We can count of that. He is coming for a Bride "... without spot or wrinkle". (Eph 5:17- 27)

Father, help us to cooperate with Your Holy Spirit in these days and grow up into Christ.

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NOTE: If you have an article you'd like me to consider posting here, please email it to me, and I will take it under prayerful consideration.