At Last, Honesty

"What's the problem?"
"I'm lonely!"
"I know that, don't you think I know that!!?"
"Yes, Lord."
"Then what's the problem?"
"I;m lonely."
"What do you want?"
(repressing the honest answer he speaks)
"I want what you want , Lord."
"You have it."
(dead silence)

"Something is still bothering you. What is it?"
"I'm alone."
"Why is that a problem?"
"I'm not happy."
"And why not?"
"I don't want to be alone."
"You said you wanted what I wanted."
"Yes, Lord."
"You have it."

"Isn't that what you wanted?"
(at last honesty)
"No Lord."
"Then you do not want what I want?"
"No Lord, I want what I want."
"That's the problem."
"If a sparrow doesn't fall without my knowledge . . .
If I dress the lilies in such splendor . . .
If I clothe the grass of the field which so quickly withers . . .
Do you imagine I have forgotten you . . .my beloved?"
I have not forgotten you . . . do not worry."

"You are still troubled . . .why?"
"I'm lonely."
"I know."
(the heart finds comfort in silence)

Copyright © 1999 Hudson Russel Davis

Bible references: Ps 20:4, Ps 40:8, Ps 69:5, Ps 139:1-2, Prov 24:26, Is 49:15, Luke 12:27-28

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