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Below are some Entertaining Yahoo! Revenge Skins. All these skins were created by Benzene265 (that's me) unless otherwise stated. If I find these posted on another page without my permission, I will spam the offender, and his webpage host. To download a skin click on the Reap Vengeance! link next to each skin. To see the toolbar graphics, click on the skin itself.

now isnt this exciting

not pikachu again! Yes, pokemon are cute. The show, while not the greatest example of anime, is actually entertaining as far as kid's shows go. The offshoot games, toys, clothes, cereal, pop tarts, cards, pencils, binders, watches, movies, towels, soap, etc. however all suck. The marketers have all overdone it. I'm sick of seeing pikachu. Reap Vengeance!
Bye, Bye Bye, Nstink! Once upon a time, I, Benzene265, recieved a request from Violator, the evil Bridge player, to make a revenge_*Nsync skin. And, wouldn't you know it, I'm over fourteen, and therefore completely unfamiliar with their music! Well, anyway, due to the miracle of my Real Player, I was able to hear their music, which is so-so. However, the band has a ridiculous premise. It's not even a real band, they were created soley for marketing purposes. Their main page is an embarassment. They're old enough to go out with me and yet they pander to preteens. Disgusting! I say Reap Vengence! on those Sellouts!
This is more of a dedication to The Barney Fun Page than a real revenge skin. Reap Vengeance! anyway.
There's a lot I can say about Britney Queers, but most of it is against Angelfire's terms of service. So, all I'll say is she can't sing. Period. Reap Vengeance!

wow watching the fuse is entertaining