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Modern Technology

Below are some Technology-Related Yahoo! Revenge Skins. All these skins were created by Benzene265 (that's me) unless otherwise stated. If I find these posted on another page without my permission, I will spam the offender, and his webpage host. To download click on the Reap Vengeance! link next to each skin. To see the toolbar graphics, click on the skin itself.

here we go again!

Destroy Yahoo! Known as "the most ironic skin on the net", revenge_yahoo is actually responsible for this site's existence. If Yahoo didn't crash my computer 3 times in one night for running a messenger IM window and their Chat room at the same time, this site might not even exist! Viva Yaho...Aw, they suck anyway, Reap Vengeance!
...Let me guess, either 1) You got Netscape or some other browser and you're pissed cause a lot of things won't work on your browser, or 2)You got Internet Explorer and you're pissed cause it keeps crashing. Well, now's the time to Reap Vengeance!
Watch out, these computer companies are buying up businesses like crazy! Next thing you know Yahoo or some other portal will own their own genetics lab! Anyway, as you can see, this is a parody of the games skin. Reap Vengeance!
Your program has performed an illegal operation?! Don't get disgruntled and kill people just cause your computer is a moron, Kill the computer instead! Reap Vengeance!

Oh no, fast burning fuse!
