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Night World RPG Rules:

*The RPG takes place in Las Vegas, Nevada, year 2000. There has not been a millenium battle yet. But it'll be working up to that.
*To travel and/or to post in a place somewhere outside out of Vegas has to be approved by me first.
*There is to be no killing of another character without the permission of the person who plays THAT character. You can however me mortally wounded. Everyone has an idea who's poerful and who isn't (according to the books).
*You cannot play/move someone else's character without their permission.

***** Circles, Groups, Clans *******
If you are thinking of having some sort of little club, other than Daybreak (good guys) or Night World(bad guys), contact me. But you *have* to belong to one or the other. We ARE going to have a millennium battle. It will be at a later date. This RPG will be working up to it. Then battle. Then After shock.
Do not automatically make yourself some Night World Lord or Queen. Right now there are only TWO major clans, and that would be Circle Daybreak (good guys) and Night World Clan (bad guys). These are the MAIN groups. Any other little groups will be a sub-group of either one or the other. If you wish to play more than one character you will have to prove that you can handle more than one. Meaning if you don't post enough in the game you will NOT be allowed to play two characters, holding up one plot is enough. Very few will get the chance to play a made up charcater. Like I said before you have to prove yourself basically. If you do not follow or if you break any of these rules you will be either suspended from the game, or banned all together.

E-mail Me

If you accept and understand these rules, go to the next page and choose a character from the Unchosen Character List.