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My Birthday is October 9, which falls under the Rowan Tree, and I was born in the Chinese year of the Tiger. My name, Melissa, is Greek for Honeybee.

Here are some of the descriptions of these.

Etymology of Melissa

"honeybee" (Greek). The name of a nymph that cared for young Zeus in Greek mythology. It is also the name of the fairy who helps Rogero escape from the witch Alcina in the poem 'Orlando Furioso' by Ariosto.

Libra Women

Drama is the key word - you set the stage for sex. Intensely feminine and an instinctive exhibitionist. You feel your body was made to be seen and admired. Feel that seduction is an art, not an assault. When approached the right way, you find it easy to say yes to almost anything.

Best Sex Mates

Aries, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. Libras like any position where their buttocks are exposed.

(That's what you think!!)

Rowan Tree

Sensitivity - full of charm - cheerful, gifted, without egoism, likes to draw attention, loves life, motion, unrest and even complications, is both dependent and independent, good taste, artistic, passionate, emotional, good company, does not forgive.

October 9th's Personality

This is a true mate who loves everybody. Their strong intuition can spot a troublemaker a mile off.

(Takes one to know one!)

But this dreamer hates any kind of confrontation, so they wouldn't hurt anyone's feelings intentionally.


Year Of The Tiger

Born leader" is the key word for the Tigers. They are always in the lead and are most likely the ones to cry out "Let's Go"! Noble and Fearless, Tigers are respected for their courage, even from those working against them.

Tiger people are daring fighters, they are capable of standing up to the better end for what they think is right. Although they could be selfish from time to time in the little things, they are capable of great generosity. Tigers are unpredictable, always tense. and like to be in a hurry.

Tiger people are difficult to resist, for they are magnetic characters and their natural air of authority confers a certain prestige on them. They are tempestuous yet calm, warm-hearted yet fearsome, courageous in the face of danger yet yielding and soft in mysterious, unexpected places.

Tigers are very confident, perhaps too confident sometimes. Although they love adventures, and are addicted to excitement it is better not to challenge a Tiger's confidence. They likes being obeyed and not the other way around.

Because Tigers are urgent people and always in a hurry to get things done right, they usually choose to operate alone. Tigers like to work, they are hard-working and dynamic. If you assign a task to a Tiger, the job will be undertaken and accomplished with enthusiasm and efficiency. Tigers make money, but they are not directly interested in money. Still, the Tiger needs not worry about money: just when he fears the money is gone, more seems to show up.

Tigers are sensitive, emotional. They are capable of great love, but they become too intense about it. They are also territorial and possessive, if you are a friend of a Tiger, he wants you to take his side against the bad guys and because the Tiger is so adorable, you often do. As lovers, Tigers are passionate and romantic, but the real challenge for the Tiger is to grasp the true meaning of moderation.

Analogy Of My Name

Source: What's in a name?

Recent studies by name societies disclosed that names influence character and do have a definite bearing upon one's life path. letters carry their own energy patterns relating to personality traits and needs. Name analysis using letter qualities is called ACROPHONOLOGY. This analysis of your name is a brief summary of the hidden meanings found within the letters of your own name.


Melissa Anne Catherine K
(I am not leaving more than an initial for my last name)


You want to be productive and feel useful, and enjoy helping solve problems. You like to be busy and not waste time. You can be quite inventive and quite curious. You have a diplomatic flair to your nature. Equality and fairness are important to you. You are relatively demonstrative in your affections. You enjoy being stroked verbally and physically. You try to be prudent. You have good business acumen. You have a need to earn money to prove your success to society and must learn the true value of material gains and status.

(Where's the money then?)

You have much enthusiasm with a driving attitude toward achievement in life.

Anne Catherine:

You have much enthusiasm with a driving attitude toward achievement in life.

(It just said that!)

You can handle details well. You have a methodical mind. You must learn to give 'wise' service and not be a martyr. You need to learn to be expressive.


You are a person who cannot tolerate being misunderstood.

(Too true!)

You are clever, inventive, imaginative and youthful.

(Funny, I don't feel youthful!)

You enjoy socializing. You have a need to be up front.

(Oh, so true!)

Your privacy is important to you.

(But.. you just said I was up front? Humpht!)

You have a rich inner life. You work hard to achieve material success through your own efforts. You need to learn to be expressive. You are a person who cannot tolerate being misunderstood.

(OK... getting redundant!)

You enjoy a challenge. You can take thought-directed actions. You need to learn to give and receive love for love's sake. You have a need to be assured of affection. You must learn to give 'wise' service and not be a martyr. You need to learn to be expressive.

(Now, you said that, like, um, 5 times! OK Already!)

You are a person who cannot tolerate being misunderstood.

(GRRRRRR!! I don't think you understand... I HEARD YOU!)


You have good recuperative abilities and strong mental determination. You are very private and dislike others prying into your affairs. You have a need to be up front.

(Oxymoron, isn't it?)

You have a lack of confidence in your mental abilities and do not like being forced into giving your opinion. You have a talent for working with people on a one to one basis. You have a need to be up front.

(Any moment now I am going to need to be in back...of you, kicking your ass!)

You can easily detach from people and situations. You enjoy unconventional friends. You need to learn to give and receive love for love's sake. You have a need to be assured of affection. You need to learn concentration and not to scatter your mental energies. You need to learn the true value of material possessions. You have a natural protection in life. You are always saved - especially from yourself.  


You want to be productive and feel useful, and enjoy helping solve problems. You like to be busy and not waste time. You are relatively demonstrative in your affections. You enjoy being stroked verbally and physically. You try to be prudent. You have good business acumen. You have a need to earn money to prove your success to society and must learn the true value of material gains and status. Your independence and freedom are important to you.

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