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Keep The Dream

I want to thank Cliff Lake for his thought and song.

Copyright © 2000 by Clifford Lake, All rights reserved.

Last year, I was involved with some circumstances that left me very angry. Those of you that know me, know that often, in an attempt to rid myself of great anger, I write, whether it be poetry, a story, an essay, or in this case, a song.
At first, once I had determined to make a written expression, I thought I would address the situation directly. For some reason, I immediately changed my mind, and thought not to be angry, but to express a resolve not to allow things to distort what it is I hope for from this life. In this dark hour, it is my hope that we can all derive some comfort from the following song:

Keep the Dream

Keep the dream in front of you
For heart and soul you must stay true
Let your nightmares fade with the dew
And keep your dream in front of you.

So many things seem out of reach
At times the world your mind may breach
And your soul evil will try to leech
And so this one thing I must now teach:

Keep the dream in front of you
For heart and soul you must stay true
Let your nightmares fade with the dew
And keep your dream in front of you.

Gold and Jewels can hardly shine
Next to the colors of a pure mind
Abandon hope and I'm sure you'll find
Without your dreams you're truly blind.

Keep the dream in front of you
For heart and soul you must stay true
Let your nightmares fade with the dew
And keep your dream in front of you.

This world will tell you it's full of hate
It can't get through if you close that gate
Reclaim your sight, its not too late,
Forget your dreams and you seal your fate.

Keep the dream in front of you
For heart and soul you must stay true
Let your nightmares fade with the dew
And keep your dream in front of you.

Cliff Lake, 9/13/01
Copyright © 2000 by Clifford Lake, All rights reserved.

Used with permission from Cliff Lake.

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