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Foon ying
Huan Yin
Cιad Mνle Fαilte Romhat
Werte marda
Dobro dosli
Hau koda
’·‚Έ‚··'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ·'΄·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ·'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚I know I'm just another drop in the oceans of life. . .but I'm gonna make waves!!’·‚Έ‚··'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ·'΄·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ·'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚’·‚Έ‚··'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ·'΄·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ·'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚If it isn't happy, I REFUSE to believe it's over!!’·‚Έ‚··'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ·'΄·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ·'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚’·‚Έ‚··'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ·'΄·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ·'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚In dreams & in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arnay’·‚Έ‚··'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ·'΄·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ·'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚’·‚Έ‚··'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ·'΄·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ·'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚Treat every person with kindness and respect, even those who are rude to you. Remember that you show compassion to others not because of who they are but because of who you are. ~Andrew Somers’·‚Έ‚··'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ·'΄·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ·'΄’·‚Έ‚·^‚Έ‚’·‚Έ‚··'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ·'΄·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ·'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚Time you enjoyed wasting is not wasted time. ~T.S. Eliot’·‚Έ‚··'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ‚·'΄’·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ·'΄·‚Έ‚·^·‚Έ·'΄’·‚Έ‚·^‚Έ‚

Hello. Somehow you've found your way to my site. Good, stay awhile. No matter your age, race, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, athletic ability, 'social position,' or ANYTHING else, you are *welcome* here. I'm not about judging. I'm different, myself. I will not judge you for being unique. There are no outcasts here, no jocks, no nerds, no skaters. Leave all that at the door because ya know what? Those are all roles. You are NOT defined by what roles you play. I'm only concerned with two things. Your heart. And your mind. Think about this; any or all of us could die tomorrow. What more evidence do we need to prove that no one is inferior or superior?

That said, my name's Kris. :-) I'm 22 years old. I live in Pennsylvania, and I'm a something in college. I love my fiancι Robert Gabriel, adore my family, and I have the greatest friends in the world. I am relatively intelligent, friendly, caring, and happy. :-) Thus, the smiles. . .

I love *animals*, quotes, names, road trips ;-), reading, swimming, online (when it is behaving itself), nature, rainbows, colors, holidays, MUSIC, movies, languages, and a thousand other things.

More about me...
There's a lot more to me...

September 11, 2001

Three years later, I have not forgotten.

God bless all the rescue/recovery workers, families, and victims of the events of September 11th, on all four planes, in the two towers, and in the Pentagon.

I still pray for you, and I will never forget.


Sign My Guestbook

View my Guestbook

Name: Trilby
Age: 1 year
Height: 2" including her ears
Weight: Literally, as light as a feather
Interests: Singing in breezes, flying through rainbows, tumbling down waterfalls,
dancing on treetops, exploring the world

My Two Cents on DatingPrejudice
Sexual OrientationLoss

Proud Member of the Equality Project

To *help the world for free* click on these:
The Hunger Site
Stop The Hunger
The Rainforest Site
The Animal Rescue Site
The Breast Cancer Site
The Child Health Site
Save the Oceans
Rescue Primates
Help Pets
Prevent Breast Cancer
Do You Want Clean Air?
Stop HIV
Solve Poverty
Help The Homeless

To go to my links page *always under construction* click here.

My Quotes Pages

To read "Ice Cream for the Soul" and other worthy forwards, go here.
Wee Surprise

The WeatherPixie

Animal Breed Zip Code

Drop in again soon!
*~Luck, Love, And Light to you!!~*

Please keep in mind I'm just learning html...I'm not a professional and there may be some flaws.
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