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Through the Vertigo, into the Void

. . . G R A N A T H . . .

A Dragoness; though she is hardly larger than a big dog. She is amusingly kind and tender-hearted, hardly living up to the image that has been given to Dragons - forever. Her size and kindness are comical; and she is often the object of laughter.

However; this tiny Dragoness was born into this realm alone. Only now has she found a family with the object of her loyalty; the Pursuers of the Conquest. The only thing she has from her 'egg'-hood; is the Stone of the Vertigo which holds the power of, what else, the Vertigo.

Now she is the Guardian of that stone, and the Commandress of the Guards Division in the Conquest. She is friends with a quite a few there; and has proclaimed herself the guardian of one of the children born into the Conquest. But how long will her happy life last?

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