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Game of the Week- (week ending 11.15.02)

Royals vs. Knightraiders:

            This game was a very close defensive battle until late in the third period, when one of the teams just seemed to give up.

            The Knightraiders took the early 1-0 lead on a goal by Anthony DeCarlo. But that lead was short-lived as the Royals’ Steve Leitch tied it up almost immediately. Then the Royals took a 4-2 lead into the third period on goals by Steve Leitch (his 2nd) and two by Ryan Langley. The Knightraiders’ second goal was scored by Rob Hill.

            In the third, the Knightraiders got within one goal on a tally by Rob Hill, but then gave up two more goals by Ryan Langley late in the third to go down 6-3, and eventually lose by that same score.