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Flash and Toodles

In the original television show, "Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane's" constant companion was his beloved "Velvet Ears" known as "Flash". "Flash" was a female Basset hound who seemed to enjoy "Rosco's" antics.

"Flash" was a friend to "Cooter" (Ben Jones) and everyone else, too.

Here "Flash" is seen giving "Boss Hogg" (Sorrell Booke) a well-deserved kiss!

As a true Dukes fan, I could not go without having my own Flash. He was whelped on March 12, 1998 and is a Basset hound registered with the AKC as "Rosco's Velvet Ears". As a pup, he was into everything and loved to tear up paper. Now that he is two, he has settled a bit, however, still is not happy until the squeaker is torn out of every toy. Isn't he cute?

Then, when the Dukes of Hazzard Reunion movie came out, we sadly found out that Flash had passed away. However, "Rosco" had acquired a new companion named "Toodles", another female Basset hound. Not to be outdone, I now have my own Toodles. She was whelped on February 15, 1999 and is a UKC registered Basset hound with the name of "Rosco's Toodles".

Being only 1 year old, Toodles is still very much a playful puppy. She spends most of her time on her back as you can see, wanting her belly rubbed. She is always willing to offer a nice juicy wet kiss!

Here is the terrorizing duo. Together they make the hallways a racetrack and the kitchen floor a wrestling ring! They are both so much fun to have around. No regrets! They will do anything for a cookie!