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Total Darkness Inc.

For All Your Hacking Needs

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-HTML Programer and Progs -The Prog Man


-Banners and HTML

-The Prog And Site Man

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Win Zip-- If you don't have this get it now you will need it.

Bo Spy--This listens on port 31337 for a connection of bo2k

Anonomizer Mailer--Good Mail anonomizer

The Anarchist CookBook--The best book out there to get into trouble with

7th Sphere Port Sniffer-A very good Port scanner it works fast.

Hacking Utilities-Various collection of hacking utilities.

Back Orfice-Back door Program by Cult Of The Dead Cow.

ICQ IP Sniffer-The Best IP sniffer for ICQ.

Surevey--Very fun little joke to play on someone.

Jan 200--Funny little Prank.

9 Coronas--This is neat you will enjoy this guys.

SUB 7--This is for Experianced People ONLY. Don't Down Load unless you know what this is.

Rumor--Another Lil Prank.

Edit Server--This is needed with Sub 7.


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