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The Distinguished Gentlemen of LHU Constitution

Article I Name

This organization shall be known as the Distinguished Gentlemen of Lock Haven University

Article II Purpose

Section 1: To allow students from different backgrounds to project a positive image on the campus of Lock Haven University and community.

Section 2: To promote unity, cultural and academic activities for the Distinguished Gentlemen of Lock Haven University and Lock Haven University students.

Section 3: To assist incoming students and interested students with any social or academic problems they might face as Lock Haven University students.

Article III Membership

Qualification for membership:

Section 1: General members shall consist of any Lock Haven University men interested in contributing to the operation and progress of the Distinguished Gentlemen of Lock Haven University.

Secton 2: Regular members shall consist of any Lock Haven University men who pay dues to the Distinguished Gentlemen of Lock Haven University. Privileges of a regular member will include: having first priority of reservations of Distinguished Gentlemen of Lock Haven University events; voting in the election of the Executive officers.

Article IV Meetings

Section 1: Regular meetings of the Distinguished Gentlemen of Lock Haven University shall be held bi-weekly.

Section 2: Special meetings of the Distinguished Gentlemen of Lock Haven University may be called by the President whenever necessary, with proper notification.

Section 3: The Order of Business of the Distinguished Gentlemen of Lock Haven University meeting shall be accordance with Robert's Rules of Order, newly revised version.

Article VExecutive Committee Officers

Section 1: The Distinguished Gentlemen of Lock Haven University executive officers shall consist of a President; Vice President; Treasurer and Secretary. The regular members of Distinguished Gentlemen of Lock Haven University shall elect the officers.

Section2: The executive Committee Officers shall be responsible for the entire functioning of Distinguished Gentlemen. The Executive Committee shall perform the duties specified in the by-laws. The Executive Committee Officers are subjected to order by the regular members of The Distinguished Gentlemen of Lock Haven University.

Section 3: The Executive Committee shall be elected by the regular members through secret ballot and shall serve for a term of one(1) year. The term for the Executive Committee shall be from May 1st to April 31st.

Section 4: The Executive Committee Officers shall meet weekly and make a report, submitting minutes, to The Distinguished Gentlemen of Lock Haven University regular members.

Article VI Amending the Constitution

The constitution of The Distinguished Gentlemen of Lock Haven University shall be amended by a majority vote of the regular members that are present at that meeting. A proposed amendment shall be submitted in writing at a Distinguished Gentleman of Lock Haven University meeting. Discussion and voting on the proposed amendment will take place at the following Distinguished Gentlemen meeting.

Article VII Amending the By-Laws

The By-Laws for the Distinguished Gentlemen shall be amended in the same fashion as stated in Article VI of the Constitution.

Article VIII Duration

For as long as there are men who are interested in joining DG.