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We are the recipients of a @20,000.00 Grant.
That has allowed us to purchase additional equipment for our playground.
Connie Lance borough Secretary applied for the grant over a year ago.
Our new park equipment now consist of a tic-tac-toe board and a new
teeter-totter. It is the type with backs on it so you can go by yourself
The fun challenge of the new rock climbing wall will a big hit.
We will be adding new grills, benches and trash cans.

A few years ago the addition pavilion increased the seating area and
made room for more picnic tables. There are now 13 tables
to accommodate Borough residence.

New Rock Climbing wall

Tic-Tac-Toe Board

Teter-Totter with back rest

An inviting place to enjoy a warm summer picnic.

We wish to send out a very special THANK YOU to the Cranesville Borough
and to all the wonderful volunteers who spend many hours helping us
to complete these new projects.