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1. All hikers will sign a liability release form supplied by the club. One copy will be forwarded by the hike leader to the membership chairperson in order to record the mileage hiked by non-members. A second copy should be given to the log writer.

2. Scout the hike in advance, either by car or foot. Wherever the path would cross private property, obtain permission from the owner.

3. It is recommended that a co-leader be selected to assist with the conduct of the hike. If the group is fairly large, this also helps with details of organizing and maintaining control. The co-leader should be at the rear of the group to give assistance if needed and to encourage the group to move along in case there is slow progress. The hike leader should stop from time to time to permit the whole group to assemble as evidenced by the appearance of the co-leader. This assumes that the co-leader is familiar with the route. It is best if the route is scouted with the co-leader. If this is not possible, the route should be adequately described with any necessary maps and greater caution should be executed to avoid separation in the conduct of the hike.

4. The leader designates which cars shall be used for the trip. Hike fees should be collected and the total amount collected should be distributed evenly to all drivers.

5. The leader makes sure that hikers who are less than 18 years old are accompanied by a parent or guardian who will be responsible for their actions at all times on the hike. In the interest of safety and comfort, the leader will have the authority to refuse permission to any person whose clothing or footgear are obviously inadequate.

6. To ensure that the rigors of the hike are not excessive for a particular hiker, the leader should address the assembled group before leaving the parking lot to describe rather briefly the details of the hike. All present should be made familiar with the location and degree of difficulty, including such matters as hill climbing and bushwhacking. If the path includes a precipitous area where people fearful of heights would have difficulty, this should be mentioned.

7. Be sure the drivers are instructed accurately about the place to park the cars for the beginning of the hike so there will be no delay. Sketch maps are helpful. Special plans should be taken to describe the location of the parked cars so that hikers who inadvertently become separated from the main group can ask natives for direction to the cars.

8. At the end of the hike, the leader must determine that all hikers are present and must not leave until all are accounted for. The sign-in list should be used for this purpose.

9. Trail Hiking in the Woods--Greater caution must be exercised in woods hiking, off auto roads. Hikes must be terminated early enough in the afternoon so there is no danger of approaching darkness. In any event, ample warm clothing is a must and gear should contain flashlights and matches. It is imperative that the leader be completely familiar with the route and that the route is described to all present. The co-leader should be kept within distance at all times.

10. Writing the Log—Either the leader does it or appoints someone else. The writer is responsible for delivering it to the Log Editor within one month. Each write-up should include a legibly written list of the names of all the participants.

 11. Provide the Activities Committee with details of your hike before the 1lth of the month preceding the month in which your hike occurs. Include date, length in miles, location, departure time, if trail lunch is required, if a restaurant stop is planned, the travel fee (5 cents per mile suggested), and the leaders name and phone number. In addition, sufficient information on the hiking terrain should be included so that the hikers can accurately gauge the degree of difficulty.

12. Restaurant Stop--if a restaurant stop is definitely planned, it is suggested that prior arrangements be made with proprietors of eating places, giving a general idea as to the number of people and the time of arrival.

13. Dogs and other pets are not allowed on hikes.

14. Sunday afternoon hikes in York County should meet at the parking lot at 1:30 p.m. All-day hikes further afield should begin at 8:00 or 8:30 a.m. and be from 8 to 12 miles long. If a cookout is planned, determine exact locations and obtain permission if on private property.

15. The hike leader should determine if any guests are participating for the first time. If so, the leader should give each of these guests a copy of our one-page introductory handout entitled "Welcome to the York Hiking Club."

16. For safety reasons, it is strongly suggested that hikers face traffic when walking along roads and that they get off the road when cars approach. Hiking on the road causes a traffic hazard for vehicles and is very dangerous for hikers.

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