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*Last update: May 20th, 2000.*

Hello and welcome to my new domain!

This page will primarily exhibit my collection of Tomb Raider toys, but has some other cool features as well. Please feel free to explore, and if you have any questions or comments, click here to send them to me.

**Note: I made this nifty background and banners with a conglomerate of pictures from many Tomb Raider sites. If you'd like links, click here. =) **

Now then, what would you like to check out first? =)

My Tomb Raider Toy Collection

Everything I Ever Needed to Know in Life, I Learned from Tomb Raider

Yours truly as Lara Croft

Intense adventures you won't find in a video game

Must-visit links and Tomb Raider resources

Link to me with one of these!

Tomb Raiders have visited me since April 18th, 2000!

Head to The Imaginative Realm.

Disclaimer: Tomb Raider, Lara Croft, and all affiliated characters, images, etc. are copyrights of Eidos Interactive, Inc. and Core Design, Ltd. This is simply a fan site- no infringement is intended.