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This is my former AOL persona, Wilykit82, as drawn by Lady Bast. =) Official Purity Test

And just how pure are you, may I ask?

Name: Minna (pronounced like Nina, only that's an M at the front and not an N).

Age: Nineteen.

Education: Sophomore at the University of Pittsburgh.

Occupation: I do web development in the city, and I also work at the Soxx Shop. I'll leave that to your interpretation.

Nationalities: Half Persian; part Irish, American, and Russian.

Marital Status: Happily dating (for almost eight months now!)

Favorite Sports: Karate (I have my second-degree (or ni-kyu) brown belt. It's two ranks away from black, but I haven't been taking lessons in a while; and I like watching ice hockey and football (PENS AND STEELERS RULE!).

Favorite Video Games: Age of Empires, Age of Wonders, Baldur's Gate, Heroes of Might and Magic III, Pharaoh, Quake II, Star Trek: Starfleet Command, the Tomb Raider series (working on Chronicles, heh!), Unreal Tournament.

Favorite Music: Classical, opera, instrumentals, and alternative. Well, basically anything that's not bubblegum pop, gangsta rap, or country.

Favorite Animated Movies: Ask.

Favorite Live-Action Movies: Same deelio.

Favorite Old TV Shows: Is this starting to kick in yet?

Favorite Newer TV Shows: Sure hope so, by now! ; )

Career Plans: I'm a computer nut and I program a lot, so I'm hoping to become a either a video game designer, or a computer animator and voice-over actress. If that doesn't work out, I can always become an FBI agent with my fellow X-Phile friend Angela and carry around a cell phone that always works everywhere, no matter what. ; )

Dream Vacations: Egypt, because I'm obsessed; Japan, because I have a lot of friends there and it's the best place to find anime stuff; and, of course, Paradise Island. ; )

Musical Instruments: I've played piano since I was six. I also used to play the viola and the oboe, but I dropped those.

Languages: English (duh), a little Farsi (a.k.a. Persian), quite a bit of German since I took it in school for eight years, and a little Japanese that I taught myself, with the help of my friends. I can also read Arabic and ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.

Shout-outs: My immediate family: Mom, and Krissy. My significant other: Love you, Nick honey! *snuggle* The Lunch Club: Andrea, Anne Marie, Angela, Angela (no, trust me, there really are two of them). My college friends: Jeia, Lord Josh, Nicholas. My PKA friends: Ben, Brandon, Heather, Jackie, Josh, Karen, Kristen, Lani, Nancy, Sheila, Steph, Steven, Tiffany. Online friends: The entire Excalibur crew (especially the Admiral, Lera, and Ensign Mann), Andvari AR, Black Eagle, Craig, Demonprist, Kanako, Lady Bast, Mayuko, Mittens, Peyman, Pouya, Wilykat. Famous people: We'll limit this to the Star Trek peeps: DeForest Kelley and Leonard Nimoy.

You all rock! =)

Sheesh, that was a mouthful! Well, you can find out more about my favorites by visiting my obsessions page. Eventually this page will have more pics up of me and my friends and family.

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