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Past Updates
Past Updates

Added 17 pictures from Raw; 5 Misc. pictures; added Raw Results to the news; and added one very special link!

Added 14 pictures from Heat; 4 magazine pictures; 1 Misc. pictures; 2 new articles; lots of news including info on a Test doll!; and moved the June news to it's own section.

Added 4 misc. pictures; and one new link to another Test site.

Added a Raw Review to the news; 8 pictures from Raw; 1 new link; and added Steve Blackman as a new Side Dish.

Added one new article; some news; Stevie as a new Side Dish with new pictures for Shammy and Val; added a new experience from the last show I went to.

Added 13 pictures from Raw; 1 miscellaneous picture; 9 pictures from the House Show I attended; 2 house show pictures of Test; and a Raw report and rumor in the news.

Added 26 pictures from Heat; 5 pictures from a house show; and a Heat report to the news.

Added 9 pictures from Raw; one picture from a magazine; one in the misc. gallery; and updated the news.

Added 12 pictures from Heat; 4 misc. pictures; added some news; 2 new links - one to another Test page.

I added 19 pictures to the Miscellaneous gallery; added Test's signature to the promo gallery (It needed some more stuff!); added some news.

I added one picture from Raw, and updated the news with a Raw report.

I added the Heat gallery tonight, with 12 pictures, and updated the news.

To the gallery I added: 1 Misc. picture, and 11 magazine pictures; added an articles page with 2 articles; added a links page.

Added a Sunday Night Heat spoiler.

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