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My Homepage

Hi,Welcome to my web page. My name is Shara and i guess i'll tell ya a little about myself. I'm 15 and now in 10th grade. I live in Pennsylvania and I was member of the gymnastics team near by for 4 years and took lessons there for 6. I then quit to try new sports and because of my many injuries. i played basketball and didn't really like the coach...and it was very competitive, though i love the sport i quit that. Now i am a varsity cheerleader for basketball and soccer, we have no football team. I just moved in December of 1998 and now i live in the middle of nowhere whereas before i lived right by a pretty big city, so i basically drive a half hour to do whatever i feel like at the time....but it is still nice where i's pretty here i think and i love takin pics which i do often... As fer my looks there is a pic of me in my PHOTOALBUM.
Be sure to vote in my most recent poll.. .i'm gonna try to put a new one up every month as long as i have time. to take the poll CLICK HERE
I also have a slide show of my trip to delaware with the junior environmental forum..make sure to CHECK IT OUT
Also i have had a new idea which please everyone go and look at...NEW IDEA-CLICK HERE
I hope u enjoy my site and sign the guestbook before u leave. Also be sure to check out my favorite links. Shoutouts to my girls...Tara, Jessie, Lindsay, Sammy,Vanessa, Karlene(karliene hheehe) and all my gymnastics friends, and to my boys...Todd,Dustin, Mike, Bronson, JJ, Brad,etc. ya'll know who ya are! hehee...and the others with no names to be mentioned hahahhaa..ok i also have a TRIBUTE TO MY FRIENDS!!
....well l8a! Tank ya, ~Shara aka sweettooth03:-)

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