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Hey everyone, this is jamie, i'm a sophmore at Brockway this year and i have lots of great friends that i wanna say hi to! Starting with Jackie! -you're still my best friend! no matter what happens! we will party together againe one of these days! Kerri! -i don't know what i would do without you, i can tell you EvErYtHiNg! and you can tell me everything too! (and you do! nuts!) can't wait till u move in next door... -El gato es pelirojo... Michelle -you're my only friend that has decent taste in music and nice looking boys (with the exception of cory bory) lol, speaking of cory bory i think someone owes me a hallmark card... Sara! -when r we gonna walk againe? i think the sheep inncident was too much for us, we haven't walked since... lol Nichole! -i'm glad you're in my geometry class or i'd have to be partners with brosky or "johnny" lol Kel! -i haven't talked to you in such a long time! i miss ya though! Colby! -i got pretty muddy on the 4-wheeler trip... let's not let that happen againe... and let's slow down next time... Natalie! -we have to patent that tennis game we made up, we could be in the Olympics... Rick! -Hey! lol... Wales! -do u want me to just give jackie the love letter? i know you're just "messing" lol, i know it all... Benson! - the bitch, i'm still mad about the 4th... Adam and Austin! -don't let Sheneyney die! Nicole and Jen! u guys are the coolest cheerleaders i know! Little McGill! -I'm going to talk to u know who!! if i can figure out which one he is?? lol... Baby Bundy! -u are awesome! i am going to go hunting with you and you can watch me gut the deer... The MILLENIUM DJ's! (Bill, Cuso, Bird, and Rosso) next party i go to i wanna hear MMMBop! (don't ask me what party that would be...) Antonio! -thanks for naming your car after me... maybe i'll name my junker after you... that's an oxy-moron if i ever heard one... Jake Tamin! i can't believe i covered up eminem with hanson! what was i thinking! i mean, i could have at least covered up icp too... lol *kidding* we're gonna carve some "pumpkins" kay? lol.... Bobby -your camp was the most fun i ever had between the hours of 12 and 5 in the morning. lol... Beaver -thanks for giving me rides to bob's camp! and everywhere else! even though u just did it for the excitement... when r we going spotting againe? Work -you're such a smart boy sometimes... neil young and frank sinatra are cool, huh? lol... and i have more friends but nothing to write about them so maybe next time? I have to say hello to my SWEET and oh so very nice looking boyfriend Stephen Konopko! i like you so much! even though we can't do anything together anymore... i'm sorry!! i tried... homecoming is going to be so much fun though!

Well! that's about it! You guys all have to sign my guestbook! Thankyousoverymuch! buh bye!!

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