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Message Board

New Message Board

Updated: April 29th
New Question Whenever I Wants to Change It.
Current ITEM of the unspecified amount of time
What is the name of the little car that the funny clowns come out of? Also, what company manufactures this car and where can I get me one of these?

-Eddy McClown


The last answers:
(Kicking off the infamous lost Silhouette questions, here's one of my favs)
Skinny dipping: faux pas or fo' me?
-Naked Ned


ryan wrote: fo' me as long as your in the drink with me yealy
Will sez: fo' me. 'Casue everybody wants to see my sexy body.
tanya responds thusly: Hey, What's up? this is Will's friend!!!!!!

5:23PM April 29, 2004

The day you hoped and prayed for is here, people. No, its not Armageddon, I finally moved my site from the money hungry, ad-infested Angelfire servers, to the nice, clean, ad-free space allotted to me on the CMU servers. So I can have my own scripts running and I won't get that damn error everytime I access the goddamn site. And I'm swearing on my school's server, it doesn't get much better than this. So update your bookmark, as I will no longer update the Angelfire site. I hope to see you all at the new site, which is really the same site, and here's to our continued success in the next fiscal year.

11:59PM April 18. 2004

Got the new question up now. I don't think I can get as much mileage out of these Silhouette questions as I previously thought. Most of the questions relate to the paper or the skool itself, so I don't want to refer to things everyone doesn't know about. But who am I kidding, the only people who respond are Ryan and Will, and they know exactly what I'm talking about. Peas out.

7:00PM April 18, 2004

Long time no see! But hey, don't complain, I don't see you updating your website! Anyways, various combinations of the usual website distractors, like school and immotivation, coerced me into ignoring this page forever. Ok, well, thanks to one of Will's friends (I think) for finding out that the freakin' question submission thing works again. It wasn't working for a couple months, then I checked out my response page and there was a new one there, I was very excited, but then I promptly forgot about it. So I have a new question and a new board to post on (fill it up!!), sorry about the Stack Overflow error you may get, its all Angelfire's fault!! May move the pages to a different server, maybe over the summer, I have a CMU site I can use, no ads, but I have to modify all the links so they work.

In other news, Molly is a great girlfriend cuz she brings my food, and we saw the Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players last night, and they rocked the house. Hungry, gotta go eat! Ta!

3:14PM September 18, 2003

Yawn, I'm bored. Who's doing something right now? cuz I'm not. Changed the question, going to change the boards link to just go to my board, since nothing happens on those other stupid ones. The page will still exists however, so if you go to boards.html, you won't get a 404. I should really study for my physical analysis test tomorrow, but I'm too bored. Yea, I dunno. Gimme an answer to the question or gimme another question or just say hey. Bye now.

10:08PM September 1, 2003

Don't worry, people, not a real update... Just thought I would get rid of the bottom frame because it was getting on my nerves and half the links are broken or outdated. So, consider yourself free from its vertical viewing limitation!


Alrighty, got a shower, and finished typing out another story from english last year about death and grapes and other stuff. So I think I'm done uploading all of the hardcopy stuff that I was meaning to put on the site. Enjoy as always.

10:43AM May 7, 2003

Alright, as I said on the message board earlier, I snapped some photos of the comics and some other stuff and they are now up to oggle right here. Other than that, I'm gonna get a shower now then find something to do. Everyone have a super-great day!

Oops, almost forgot, now you can cherish those lovable animal picture things I did last year forever!

3:18PM May 1, 2003

Goddamn piece of shit Angelfire!!! I just did this! I already wrote the update, then I preview the damn thing and it doesn't save any of my changes!!!! So from now on, I do all of my updating in notepad, then I upload it to Angelfire, that should work. Anyway, I didn't really say anything earth-shattering, just that I have my last classes tomorrow and nothing else to do except 3 finals next week then home to waste 3 weeks or so before work starts, hopefully.
Other than that, hope y'all be havin some fun times and boogeying down and all that things.
Ok, well jackass is out of the bathroom after another of his half-hour showers (can any of you remember the last time you had a half-hour shower? I think I may have only done that the first time I had a shower, since it was such a novel concept and I didn't know how long I was supposed to stay in...), so I'm gonna get to playin some games up in this piece. Wish me luck!

Oh, I almost forgot, before Angelfire lost my changes, I posted the results to the last question and then deleted that file, so the answers are lost. If you really care about the results to that question (keep in mind it was a stupid one), you can all resubmit your answers. Toodles.

6:44PM March 16, 2003

Good news, everyone! I've been watching a lot of Futurama and the professor says that like every episode, so I thought I put it in there since I had no other way of starting this post. New item up top (best turn out yet for the last question) and updated friends page, but its not my finest work, so don't judge me. Not much else to say, I gotta get to readin' Interview With the Vampire for english tomorrow. Have fun, I know I will.


Okay, I just took some clothes out of the washer, so here's a new question of the unspecified time. Have fun!

p.s. Everybody better answer because it takes like a second to answer, if you don't explain, but please try to.

Oh, and I changed Willy's email address in the friends thing cuz he told me to a few months ago. Oops.
Also added Andy and deleted the rest from the friends page. I think Andy will like his haiku... Bye now (I swear)

10:45AM March 1, 2003

Howdy people, with this post, Spooficus' Funk Factory hereby recognizes the year of 2003. Welcome 2003, may you have many children with sharp teeth and two (or three) arms.

Anyway, the real reason I've called you all here is, since I'm in between loads of wash, I updated the boards page and got rid of the "New Spoof" board, and Amy's board. The former was done away with because nobody posted there in half a year and nobody liked it, the latter because one can only take so much religious fanaticism and only make so much fun of it.

If anyone would like to have their message board, or anything else like that on the boards page, lemme know on the Spoof board. Oh and I kept the others because they are good for some laughs every few months, and without them the page would look bare.


Two for the price of one! Actually put up my computer page. Good to check out if only for the Christ and Cream Cheese!
P.S. I kid you not...

8:35PM December 14, 2002

Holy shit, did I take a hiatus or what? I have so much time on my hands, but I'm just never motivated enuff to get on this shizzle to update it. (Do people still say shizzle, or am I the only one left? Snoop Fizzle Televizzle!)
Anyway... let's try to get you up to speed so far. The computer is built and functional, a lot easier than I thought it would be, actually. Loud as a sumbitch, but it works. Maybe I'll get on those pics of it in this update, but I'm not promising anything, as the people who come to this site and care about it have probably already seen it.
After a month or so of lazee-assing about at the beginning of summer, I got a job at Utz boxing chips, sorting cardboard, and all other manner of wackiness. I gotta tell ya, being covered in a healthy layer of grease every night was definitely worth pulling down the big bucks. Did I mention that I worked 10pm to 7am? Yes, I know...no end to my talents....
So, I worked there for the summer, then off to college! The first week was filled with mindless orientation bullshit. I'm not paying mad money to the school to run around their football field looking retarded while a professional pep-rallyer yells over a loudspeaker to get in meaningless groups to exchange 2 words with people I will never see again only to have some fat fuck sit on and, nearly, break my knees minutes later. Needless to say, I'm a teency bit bitter about the whole experience. Ah, but that's not the best part... that honor belongs to my roommate.
From the barren Russian tundra comes a half-man, half-hairy beast. While subsisting only on Subway subs and wretched fish from a can [which he leaves heaping helpings of in the sink (sprats, yum!)], he manages to consistently leave 3 pounds of hair in the shower everyday. Yes folks, all this and his day doesn't even begin until 6pm! Yep, now you are familiar with my balding, pot smoking roommate, who stays up until 5am blasting his goddamn hippie music through the wall directly at my eardrums.
But enuff about him, because I hate him... Who loves physics? I do! I do! No kidding, I actually love my major, and you should too! Don't angular momentum, entropy, and quantized vibrational kinetic energy make you randy? Well they should! Enough about physics too, what do you want to talk about? Oh, I see... Yeah... No, I can't talk about that here...

Now that's just filthy!

Now I'm just chillin' out in my room, waiting to get Christmas presents... Watching some MST3K and updating the ol' site since Molly went home earlier today. Uhhhhh...
Oh yeah, you can get fantastic quesadillas on my campus, orgasm inducing even! Well, I like them at least...

Alright homies, I can't think of anything else to say, so I'm going to watch "The Abyss" since I've never seen it and it seems like I should like it.

P.S. Almost forgot, new answer O.T.U.A.O.T. up, Jeopardy style! Go wild with it kids!
Also posted the previous questions, hope y'all didn't write something you want to take back now.

Any complaints\suggestions\praise?
Send 'em to me

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