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::Rides in on Flit the pink pegasus:: So, you made it past the badger did you? I hear he can be quite gruff. Oh well, You're here now, I might as well take you on the tour.

Flit here is the page mascot, despite what that frog over there says. No no! DOn't look at him. He only wants attention. If we ignore him, I'm sure he'll go away........... or, then again, maybe not...::Take out her hand gun and points it threateningly at the frog. The frog ribbits, large eyes growing larger, and jumps into the water:: Yes, I thought so.

This vast, seemingly empty space, is home to quite an array of creatures.

To you're right, you'll see where the Windex is sold. Please note; it is best to ONLY spray Windex on windows. Anything else, be it concrete, fabric, or flesh, will immediately be disintegrated.

To your left, you will see a band of mis-matched socks. These are the socks that the dryer eats. They disappear from your washer and/or dryer, and fall from the sky, as you will see if you look up. After they lay in that pile for a year or so, they come to life and join a band.

Of course, it is best to not get to near these socks, as some are Renegade bands of killer socks.

Now, here we are at one of many tourists favorite areas. Here the two hermits, Becky and Mimi live. As you can see, they are often feuding and many a chipmunk will take to the air.

::gasps:: Oh my God! It's horrible! I can't bear to look! No! I refuse to! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! ::A small chihauha puppy looks up at the visitors. The Badger comes up from behind in his swirly purple and green security gaurd suit and picks it up::

Sorry, Boss, Fuffy got out of her cage.

Be more careful next time!


::shudders:: Anyway...Here the way to get to my insane page. I warn you, several people have come back, unable to speak of anything but boots and tape. Others never returned at all... ::Walks away muttering:: I wouldn't go in there...

To The Slaughter a poem of mine

Riting poems and stories(should I ever finish one)

My Art Work

Us ya just gotta go there, there's no other way to explain it -laughs-

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A more serious page Life isn't all fun and games for me. This page may seem I have the same problems as most teens.

My Witchy page. This sould be on the more serious page but I don't have the energy to bother with is right now

Gaurdians from 'Amanda's Gaurdians'



(CLick to see a big pic of Sadaf)

This here is Sadaf. HIs name means 'Darkness of Night' in Arabian. Still new to this place, I have nothing much about him up quite yet. Just you wait, however...... -evil grin-

adopt a lunar dragon

The Weather in Hell Uncle Hyman Morty the Death's
 Head Tina the Troubled Teen

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Pookie the slug