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A Tribute to a Siberian Husky Cont.

Here are some more pictures of sheba.

Young Sheba

This Sheba when she was around 2 years. She was in her prime in this picture.

Old Sheba

This picture was taken by my cousin's 7 year old daughter. Not bad for a kid huh? That's why it's a little fuzzy. But I don't care, I treasure it, because it is one of the last pictures of Sheba that I have.

Sheba and Friends

This is Harley, Lady, and Sheba. When I moved to my apartment, I couldn't stand not having a dog. So I went to the shelter and got Harley. Lady is my Mom's dog. Lady had lived with Sheba since she was a very young puppy. For quite a few weeks after Sheba's death she would sit under the dinning room table and mope. Sometimes Sammy the cat would be seen sitting on Lady's feet to console her. I guess that was as close as Sammy could get to giving her a hug.

I would've taken Sheba with me when I moved... except she didn't like the small quarters, and small yard. That, and my mom wouldn't let me take her.

Dress up time

Sheba would do anything (except come when she was loose) for a treat. She had a tote bag with her "dress up" stuff in it. She would bring it to me, and I would dress her up for treats. She loved it.

Sheba and Misty

This was Sheba's Playmate. Poor Misty. She really didn't like Sheba's exuberance. But she tolerated her.

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