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My So Called Life...

Hi if you are reading this you probably already know a bit about me but I will write a little for those of you who really dont know much about me. My name is Shannon I am 21 years old. I was married on June 7, 2003 to my husband Jim. We have a beautiful daughter named Rockell Beatrice. She was born May 21, 2004 at 10:29 am. She is such an angel. She is my whole life. She is what I look forward to when getting up in the morning. My favorite thing to do is read but I also like photography. I am addicted to Myspace. I have three cats Rocky, Frodo, and Shadow; a dog Chevy, one hermit crab, a parakeet Irene, and a pink tropical parrot fish. I have been a vegetarian since I was 7 and I am strongly in favor of animal rights. At the bottem of this page is a link to my other pages such as my story of how I became a cutter, my favorite things, my favorite quotes, and my photo album. Check them out and let me know what you think.

My aol sn and myspace name is shaggin83. And my email address is

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My other Pages

What are my fav. things?
My fav. quotes...
My story of how I became a cutter
My Live Journal

My Photo Albums

Pictures of my pets
Pictures of Jim and me
Pictures of Rockell
Pictures of our wedding
Pictures of our honeymoon
Pictures of Devyn and Kelsea
Pictures of Jared
Pictures of Matt and Debora
Pictures of cousins

My NEW PHOTO ALBUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My new album with