» Behind The Horror Of Stephen King «

Stephen King is one of the most influential (and my favorite) writer of our time. His current miniseries is out, Storm Of The Century, along with the book. He has been scaring millions for years. I am doing my senior term paper on his writings and how his life has affected them.

Stephen King's Works

I have read a large number of Stephen King novels, short stories, etc. Here are some summaries and critiques.........

Carrie---- King's first novel about a outcast girl with telekinesis. Very good, very scary. The movie was pretty good too, especially with John Travolta.

'Salem's Lot---- Vampires over take a small town, and must be stopped by a small group of believers. The book scared me, but I thought the movie was boring.

The Shining---- Awesome book about a hotel that works its powers on the caretaker's family who are snowed in for the winter. As for the movie, I liked the actors in the old version, but I like how the newer version stuck to the book. Jack Nicholson was awesome in the first!!! The kid annoyed me in the second one.

The Dead Zone---- A schoolteacher has the ability to tell the future after a accident that puts him in a coma for years. Pretty good, not one of King's more popular works, but still worth reading.

Firestarter---- The government comes after a girl and her father who have amazing talents after an experiment by The Shop. Pretty good, and Drew Barrymore was perfect as Charlie in the movie.

Cujo---- Rabid dog attacks. I haven't read this in a while, but as far as I remember it was good.

Christine---- The love story of an evil car and an outcast teenage boy. I liked both the book and the movie, except for the kid who played Dennis, what was up with his hair??

Pet Semetary---- Ancient burial ground brings things back to life. Rather good, I am currently rereading this. The movie was good, but the sequel sucked.

IT---- Killer clown can only be stopped by a group of seven children. VERY scary, I had to sleep with the lights on for nights after I read this. I think the reason I hate clowns now is because my mom would watch the movie when I was little. ( I inherited the SK gene from her.)



This Quiz will soon be moved to my Stephen King Quiz Page, along with many others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Are you ready to test you knowledge of Stephen King? Take this quiz and find out. It's an easy one, if you read or have seen IT:

People questions have been moved to quiz page, answers are still here Places

1. Where did the Losers build the dam?

2. Where were two of the Losers attacked by the Teenage Werewolf?

3. From Where did the two kids come who chased Stan while he was birdwatching?

4. Where did Mike Hanlon work?

5. What was the name of the Chinese restaurant where the Losers had their first reunion?

6. Where did IT live?


1. What was the name of Bill's bike?

2. What did people usually see floating around after a manifestation by IT?

3. What was the name of the ritual that allowed Bill to triumph over IT?


Which of Georgie Denbrough's arms did IT rip off when Georgie reached into the sewer drain?


Give yourself one point for every right answer, and five points if you got the bonus.


1. Pennywise the clown 2. Mike Hanlon 3. Beverly Marsh (Rogan) 4. Stan Uris 5. Eddie Kasbrak 6. Richie Tozier 7. Ben Hascom 8. Henry Bowers, Victor Criss, Belch Huggins 9. Dick Halloran 10. Bill Denbrough


1. Barrens 2. The house on Neibolt St. 3. The Standpipe 4. The Derry Public Library 5. The Jade of the Orient 6. The sewers of Derry


1. Silver 2. Balloons, sometimes with messages from it written on them 3. The ritual of Chud

Bonus: his left arm

24-16 points------- STEPHEN KING EXPERT!!!!!! Be proud of yourself!!!

15-11 points------- You are probably a big Stephen King fan, but not an expert. That's great, very respectable.

10-5 points-------- You probably don't know much about Stephen King, or at least IT. Nice Try.

4-0 points-------- Get off my website.

courtesy of The Stephen King Quizbook, by Steven Spignesi


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