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Welcome everyone to this page about an RPG pack, VAIG. It was created by me, V13Raptor, and is nearly two years old. Although we have never had many members, we still exist as a neutral `raptor/riptor pack. If you would like an app., please e-mail me


VAIG was created on AOL to help the `raptors, riptors (et cetera) that roamed Rhydin and the Raptor Rain Forest. But as the years have passed, the Forest has become chaotic and Rhydin even more prejudiced. I know many people mean well, yet hostility is still shown toward some reptilian characters. That is why VAIG was created. People that like to RP snipers and mad scientists, well, some of them attempt to hunt or capture the `raptor characters. I don't like that. VAIG was made to help keep the reptilians from harm.. not to destroy the snipers, but to defend the `raptors.

I'm currently working on an mIRC chat, you can simply join VAIG by going there and telling me about your `raptor character. The chat is on the "DarkMyst" server and is "#VAIGrpg". The pack members that choose to RP there shall be called VAIG.

Another pack, called the Marshlands pack, is starting with the help of my Deinonychus character, Kiwi. To read more about The Marshlands Raptor Pack , please click on the name in blue.

Example App.

Members of VAIG

-[ not all are listed ]-

Species VAIG accepts