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Bristol Township Honors Eagle Scouts

    Bristol Township officials honored three Eagle Scouts at Thursday night's meeting for completing community service projects in the township.

The three Scouts received plaques of commendation from Mayor Sam Fenton and the Council.

Matthew Golden was honored for his project of building a roof over the dog runs for the township's K-9 unit. Golden contacted K9 officer Rick Frye to ask about the project to protect the dogs from inclement weather and provide shade in the Summer.

Sam Lodise led a team comprised of his troop mates from Troop 82 in the construction of a brick walkway leading to the amphitheatre of the Silver Lake Nature center.  Lodise and the crew also made the walkway more accessible for the handicapped.

Mark Schaub was recognized for building and installing a wooden swing set on the grounds of the Yardley United Methodist Church.  The old swing set was in disrepair and presented a hazard to the children  "With the help of his fellow scouts and family, Mark was able to raise the money by holding two car washes"  Mayor Fenton said.  Shaub managed to get the swingset at a discount and his employer, a local garden center, donated the mulch for the area under the swingset.



