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Bucks County Council

Pennsbury District Commissioner Homepage

Official Pennsbury Page

Ajapeu Lodge #33

Ockanickon Scout Reservation

Boy Scouts of America


Camping & Outdoors

Our Country

Resources & Forms

Official BSA Catalog

Official Sea Scout Page

Bucks County Catholic Committee on Scouting

Official Girl Scout Page

Daniel Gross ear ned the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest rank in Boy S c o u t i n g , from troop 102. Gross is a junior at Pe n n s bu r y High School, a member of the Catering Club, Den Leader in Pak 102, member of Venture Crew 102 and an of ficer in the Order of the Arrow Ajapeu Lodge 33. He is the son of Barry and Beth Gross, Falls To wnship.


Richard Thieme earned the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest rank in Boy Scouting, from Troop 22. Thieme collected more than 200 videos for the Emergency Room and Pediatric Department of Lower Bucks Hospital. Pictured with Thieme is Robert Harris, Vice President of Marketing and Public Relations for Lower Bucks Hospital.


