
Eemeet Meeker's School of Paving Main Campus is located in beautiful Palmerton Pennsylvania, within walking distance of the New Jersey Zinc East Plant, the ruins of the West Plant, and the Aquashicola slag piles. Looking out across Travvie's Yard, EMSP has a gorgeous view of the barren slopes of Blue Mountain.

Beltz Lane
Beltz Lane. Note sidewalk accross bottom.

EMSP is on Beltz Lane, officially "The Crappiest Street In Palmerton." If you ask any Palmertonian for directions, they will certainly give you a funny look, because nobody knows where Beltz Lane is. This means that EMSP enjoys relative isolation from the outside world and all of its stress and nuclear warfare and television and food supply.Our main building is "the Steins' House," formerly a warehouse of urine-soaked mattresses and porno magazines. There is also "The Shed," which is a shed.

EMSP boasts spacious living accommodations. Our students tell us that they can almost always fit their entire body - with clothes - into a single EMSP room. Off-campus living arrangements are also available, in such locations as The Garbage Can and The Storm Drain.

Bert in a bottle

Eemeet Meeker's School Of Paving

All material © 1999-2000 by Eemeet Meeker Online Enterprises, except stuff we stole from other people as indicated in the credits.