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What is a fat feminist?
A fat feminist is a woman or man who is both in touch with their own size acceptance AND feminist beliefs.
Being a fat feminist means you believe the following
1.)Women deserve all the oportunities in life that men do.
2.)Women deserve equal pay for equal work
3.)Every man and woman deserves respect and support no matter what their size or body type.
4.)Fat is beautiful. Being fat is not something to be tolerated, ignored or hated, but something to be celebrated and enjoyed. Being fat should give men and women a sense of pride in themselves.
5.)Women of all sizes deserve and need access to affordable birth control, safe, legal abortions, affordable healthcare, fatphobia-free healthcare, and accurate safe sex education.
6.)Most importantly, you must believe that you are beautiful and worthy of love JUST THE WAY YOU ARE.
If you believe in the above, BE A FAT FEMINIST! Simply copy the graphic from this page onto your own and then email me and tell me about it!
NO you do not have to be fat and
NO you do not have to be female to be a fat feminist!
Now, please copy my graphics (DO NOT link from my page) and put them and the html code on your page.
Here are your choices of groovy graphics:
YOU MUST link to my page if you are to be an official FAT FEMINIST! Your html fragment should look like this when you are done...(view source to see code)
Cool! thanks for being a an official FAT FEMINIST! Don't forget to email me and tell me you've put my graphic on your page! Please include your name, email and webpage!
EMAIL ME with any questions or concerns.
THANKS! have a fatfemtastic day!