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"Oni Lasana's Poetry" Greetings,
Welcome to my personal poetry page. Some of these spirit driven poems are excerpts from the "Sister Wings, Spoken Wordsong Bass & Beats" audio CD available at
Others are from my 2001 book, "Real Tales Of Rhymes & Reasons.
All poems are copyright protected.


On July 10, 1999 a friend of MLK Jr. and freedom fighter, James Farmer died. It just so happened that while I saw the news of James Farmers death, I was reading a biography on Martin Luther King, Jr. preparing for school show. I was also sharing my findings with my teenage son,(who viewed Dr. King, the way I viewed Abraham history!) I tried to explain to him why Dr. King was such a BRAVE man and what the sacrifice of his life means to me & should matters to them NOW. So I wrote...

(Recorded on Sister Wings CD & I Dreamt, MLK Jr. the single
with music by Samori Coles of lil Drummaboy Recordings)

I had a dream too
I dreamt that your dream came true, Brother King
people looked inside of me
not at the shape or size of me
not at the color or style of me
they looked at my inner reality
not the outside fantasy

I dreamt that your dream came true...Mr. King
Marcus Garvey wasn't ridiculed & called a fool
Ruby Bridges walked to school alone
Malcolm wasn't murdered by his own
Miss Rosa enjoyed her bus ride home

Emmitt Till was alive today
Steve Biko lived to write another day
Medgar Evers wasn't murdered in his driveway
2 Pac was represented
the best of us
Rodney King wasn't beaten alive
in front of us
Marvin was asking me
"What's goin' on?"

I dreamt that your dream came true Rev. King
young adults today were livin' clean
not smokin' tobacco, weed, droppin' pills
hittin' crack
downin' 40's & gettin' wacked
dreamin' stupid dreams
nothing to do
but get hi
or so it seems
livin' nightmares shooting down tomorrow's dreams

I dreamt your dream came true Minister King
in concrete jungles everywhere
sons of criminals and sons of righteous folks
were sitting at the table together
learning & teaching one another to read

I dreamt that your dream came true Dr.King
my children attended equally integrated schools
where students were not judged by the color of skin
or the color of Gap, Nike, Dickies, or Akademik
but by the work they handed in on time
to teachers who really cared

I dreamt that your dream came true Mr. King
in my dream
I saw boys and girls of all races
joining hands in
agape love
little children
holding hands of babydaddies
babydaddies married to
takin'care of babymommies
they both had good paying jobs, careers,and businesses.

I dreamt your dream came true Mr. King
I heard that same freedom bell ring
in every town from Africa to America, South America to the Caribbean, Europe to Asia
starving children came runnin' to dinner tables
filled with pesticide-free fruits
& vegetables
BROWN rice, sugar, bread, molassas
UN-contaminated water
harmone-free well-seasoned chicken

I dreamt that your dream came true Dr. King
TV showed black people livin' real reality
"FRIENDS"...didn't all look the same
Disney wasn't another name for distorted history
modern mythology

I dreamt that Eddie, Martin, & the Wayans
produced black history biographies
multi-cultural realities
Black & whites & all "others" mutual funds
not only for sex, drugs & guns

I had a dream too Dr. King...
that your dream came true
two weeks after your vision in DC
four little girls in Birmingham
Addie Mae Collins, Denise McNair, &
Carole Robertson walked straight home from church
to waiting mommies
& the next day they went to a shiny new school
with smiling & loving classmates
all different kinds of children to play with
they graduated college
each one of those little girls
became a doctor to heal us
A teacher to teach us
A lawyer for justice &
President of Human Rights University

I dreamt that your dream came true Martin Luther King, Jr.
there you were...
home with Mrs. King &
your children
playin' with grandchildren...inside the not so-white house
being the PRESIDENT of the United States of LOVE
So blessed
relaxing with your family & friends
they all knew...
without a doubt
they were "FREE AT LAST!"
are truly "SOMEBODY!"
just like I do...thanks to you...
Dr. King
I dreamt your dream
came true.

(C)1999 Oni Lasana

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*"The next one was in response to a PH.D. person
who after learning I would be having a one-woman reading of my poetry
asked me in all seriousness how many degrees I had.
They didn't know it
you don't need a degree to be a poet...
Poetry is a higher calling...

Dedicated to Nikki Giovanni, as I appreciated her poem "Ego Trippin'" later in my life...I wrote this in response to having 360 degree's of living...

(360 Degrees of Livin')

I know you seek continue to read
women do more than lay up & breed
I speak of HerStory....a privilged few
I found a new me...since I discovered old you
A cook..a maid...whatever surviving I must do
I'm was all that...& a lady too!

His Story was too shallow to call my name
I was nursemaid for Able and Cain
I led Moses....when he was two
Yes..I was of the few
Woman of Nature...Mother of you
I'm was all that...& Blessed too.

I whispered secrets to Cleo...Nzingha...
concubines of Sheba
When boy Tut drew ill...I calmed his fever
They recorded no gains...only pain & loss
Weeping for my brother...under his cross
No one dares speak of my true
or calls me Sister...for all that I do
Callin' me a 'ho...a wench & a shrew
Well..I was all that..& Queen Mother too!

I possess x-ray vision...with a sensitive view
When hateful eyes meet mine
You think was happy in your kitchen
waitin'on you?
Mister...that was in another time
When you hung my man...on a tree in your yard
For looking at your woman too hard
Boy...I suckled your daddy...
Kept your mama's kitchen warm
(slippin' my brother a knife)
Yes sir...whatever needed doin'...mammy would do
Cuz...I'm was all that and human too

I'm that precious cargo...
you waged wars to send abroad
Tell lies to my people...
about your precious lord
Turning bible stories...upside down
To prove your fantasy view
God knows the trouble you have caused
And what you put me through

Man, if you get to heaven's
give Peter my card
You'll need references to get through
Still you call me ugly...stupid & dark
I'm not all that...
but I was a saint...
compared to you

(c) 1996 "a soul sista' from cool world valley"

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"Someone asked where I studied poetry,...I thought of Harriet Tubman who said, "I don't read books...I read people."


(c)1996 oni lasana

Everybody wonders why
A lady like me is so fly
My heads up in the sky
I look down on the negative
and say bye, bye

Everybody wants to know
How I just go with the flow
I reach up for the positive
I live to love, I love to live

Everyone has a story
give out blame
take all glory
everyone has a tale to tell
'bout losin' pennies in that wishin' well
'bout there struggles
'bout there fight
now I know
why I write

what difference will my story make
what lessons can I teach
who will care about my memories
to my speech

the beauty of writing...
is not speaking to be heard
experiences of loving life
in giving words

don't want to scream
you know what I mean
pent up feelings inside
night can be day
day can be night
I write

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*A special request by Sistah Dagmar Holl...led me to pen...ANOTHER WOMAN THANG...
In celebration of women for a show at Harmony St. Theater in Coatesville in 1994. I also presented it in 2000 when Nikki Giovanni sent me to replace her (believe it or not;-) for a Woman Of Color Conference in Denver, Colorado.

"Coming full Circle"
7th Annual Woman Of Color in Higher Education Conference, Denver, Colorado 2000
Featured as "Artistic Interpretation"
Sponsored by;
Metro State College of Denver - University of Colorado at Denver - Community College of Denver

Doin' Dunbar! as 'Lias' Mother& "Rhymes, Reasons & Rhythms"

(c) 1996 oni lasana

I am I stand
Super Woman...Mother Earth
Blessed Mary...of your birth
I have nursed you to life before
I will knock down every door
to make you hear
what I whisper to say
you must respect me
in everyway

I am Woo-man...I captured your seed
to give you many mouths to feed
while you work...toil...strife
I wear the brand name of...WIFE

I raise your children...I raise your mood
I am required to prepare all food
You may may growl
I'll love you...anyhow!

I am woe-man...woe-man am I
hear me me cry
I am never satisfied
I am always on the rag
I am witch
I am hag

I know the mysteries of Mother Earth
I am a Goddess...I know what I'm worth
And I can charge...the hungry who buy
I'm what you pie in the sky

I am Womb-man...hear me roar heard it all before
yet you allow my sensitivities
my strut...
my endless pit of lovin' it
keep you writin' beggin'songs to me
you keep singin'& rappin'
'bout what you gonna me
when you only do it
my boundless energies
not very well

I am out!
all you female impersonators
& you female-in-person haters
You will never find a line as soft as mine

I am Woman...look out!...all my sisters
Never satisfied with your body
Our a work of art
for every bookmart!
Everyone praises...Essence!
Cosmopolitan!...Playboy too
So what my beautiful sisters, is ailing you?

The power is between our arms
The power is between our thighs
The power is between our ears
The power is....

(c)1996 a soul sista' from cool world valley

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"To all babydaddies...hear dis'!

(C)1997 real tales by oni lasana

Once upon a time in the town of de'ville
Lived two daddies each on a hill
If I waste much time tryin' to reason n' rhyme
This tale may never reach your mind

Small room was filled with children loving a dad
Large home was empty and seemed a bit sad
Grandchildren all gathered at poor Pop-Pop's feet
Rich Pop's grandchildren left out in the street

Daddy smiles n' talks n' shares his true feelin'
Liftin' his youth...laughing up to the ceilin'
Dad remains in a world of his own
Away at the job or calls on the phone

Daddy spends no money but gets affection
Dad gives money his only connection
Daddy is happy to share love from a higher source
Dad contented in his silent recourse

"Childhood is freedom!"...Kashmiri's have said
Grow with your children...lead and be led
Children hunger for "focused attention"
Mother aren't the only ones they will mention

Daddy's are important to help little boys and girls grow
No matter if they're rich or po'
So listen up! all you daddies who think you know
What you reap with your child ya' gonna sow!

One daddy plays games, hugs and gives kisses
The other sits in front of tv, wonders what he misses
Time is so short they don't stay small for long
Treasure the moments they think you are strong

No matter what you have in material things to give
Share of your time...teach them to live
Don't be a rich daddy yet poor in affection
Be a poor daddy...keep the connection

Daddy's aren't perfect but keep this in mind
The perfect Dad keeps perfect time
Time spent in a touch, talk or a joke
Is time well spent...will never be revoked

So no matter where you call home..valley or hill
Your children will love and remember you
If that is your will
Prison's are filled with youth unwanted...unloved
Every dad's job is to lift them beyond & above

Our world can be cruel...uncaring...unkind
Children need daddies who spend quality time
Not Dad's who look down on they grow
Daddies who keep in touch with the know

Smile at your children...embraced or bred
Talk & spend time.. find out what's in there head
They look to both daddies to be loving & kind
Fruit never fall too far from the vine.

(c) 1997 real tales by oni lasana

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youth on youth killing one another
brother against father
daughter against mother
bored boys
blaming each other
for losing
inside video games
going together
going no where
taking young years to the max
exaggerating hurt feelings
with many knives
guns of frustration to play wit' lives
sega..nintendo..laser tag
acts of violence
no one dies

no acts of love bein' made
except babies makin' babies
strokin' egos
overcrowding worlds of welfare
don't care
youth on youth sex
nothing more
love makin'a woman...
a man
heads of households
or a man just a man
what's love gotta do with
paying rent
feeding folks
staying alive
without a 9 to 5
does love make the world go round?
or upside down...
in arkansas
is it hate?
too late
two specks of dust in jonesboro
acting out reality
all they will pay
cryin' out for mommy

(c)1998 real tales by oni lasana

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*for my sistahs who never heard Aretha sing "natural woman"

(c) 1998 real tales by oni lasana

There is a place of bloodstained ground
Razor blade...passed around
A far off place where cultures share
Secret torments...young girls must bear

A place that opens between her legs...
A place where girls are cut...for men to care
Only a husband tries to get in there

This place is pleasure to woman who live free
So special...I wish they could be me
A place so tender..gentle...a loving nerve
Not to be disfigured...violently disturbed

Not for meat or bread
Tortured in pain...left alone for dead
This place is closed prolong virginity
Vulva sown love vicinity

A place castrated...without choice or anaesthetic
Traditional practises so pathetic
A place where being female
Is to be mutilated & controlled
Infections...disease...blocking monthly toll

Sunna or pharaonic...both are moronic
In 28 countries this abuse is a "custom"
A place a girl-child can never run from
Some may flee...take the risk
Many suffer-in-pain...exist

Woman treated as sexual beast...
Nen never know love release
Wedding nights screams of torment are heard...
No one dares say a word

Western sistah's are our place
On this side of was not a choice
Do we hear her cries? we hear her voice?
Permanently damaged...physically...mentally... emotionally too
What can we help her through?
What can we do?

A secret place...where her spirit will die
I know her voice...I hear her cry
Only natural women know why.

(c)1998 real tales by oni lasana

Organization to support; Godparents, Inc.
or read and enlightened: "Prisoners of Ritual" by Hanny Lightfoot-Klein isbn#0-918393-68-x

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"Requested to read for a woman's shelter benefit...I thought I'd be at a lost for words...prayers were answered...back when I was in the dark, searching.

(c) 1996 soul sista' from cool world valley

Bless me Father for I have sinned
yes, Dear Lord it's me again
I have come to shed my grief
confess my sins find relief
it has been 25 years since I confessed
give thanks...for all you have blessed
yes, my life was a mess
I have chosen rocky roads
struggled with heavy & empty loads
yes, I have sinned didn't you see?
what sins have I done? you ask of me?

I have loved the wrong people
who have given me pain
I found myself taking love
with nothing to gain
I've hurt my brothers and sisters
with words or uncaring ways
smiled in all directions
to stone-faced gaze

yes, I was born a sinner
you have seen my heart
I need to repent so please
show me where to start

Bless me God for I am quite mad
writing you at 4 am telling you I'm bad
saying this true confession
expecting you to love me still
admitting I'm a sinner
...waiting on your will

Jehovah...thy will be done
in your home and mine
please take me in your paradise
please give me love divine
I have coveted my neighbor...
I lied and caste stone
I was in confusion
thinking I walked alone promised me
your love would never faulter
I study your words daily
I feel them at your alter
yes, I am happy to come
into this place again
But I knew you were also in my heart
you are my only friend

Bless me Allah...for I have sinned
so the rest of my life I can begin
to love and see you in every man
help the weak and crippled stand
feed the poor in mouth or spirit
know your love and never fear it
share with all how much you can bless
count on you pass life test

Jah Rastafari!....I'm one in a million
just a grain of sand
I will testify for I am willing
just lead me by your hand
my journey won't be easy
but in all humility I accept
to carry on your loving words
follow in your sons steps

Bless me Yahweh for I have sinned
I'll try not to sin no more
I'll be a sparkle...a light...a flame
I pray you won't ignor
for men won't find me physically
inside the temples they build
you are my hope...helping me cope
my life will be
your will.

(c)1996 soul sista' from cool world valley

Check out my program where I perform a few of these poems while playing bass guitar and drums!
Sister Wings*!*

TC my #1 son & www teacher!!!
& YOU with eyes to see...heart to feel
mind to understand and fingers to scroll
now get up from this machine and take a stroll
peace n' love to you...for taking the time
to read my reasons n' rhymes
life is full...we have more important things to do...
at least I hope so;-)
"Sisterly Love...Asante Sana (Thank You)
& all that good stuff"
p. s. since you made it this far
I think you should know it
Oni Lasana means "Desired poet"

Welcome to Oni Lasana Productions

*!* Oni Lasana Doin' Dunbar! *!* P.L.Dunbar *!* Performances *!* Exhibits

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