I'm gonna tell ya a little about me... you're so lucky

You must know (well, not MUST) but still.

Okay... I guess there are a few things that you are entitled to know about me... I mean, I can't have an autobiography page, and not put anyting about me on it... so... here goes.
A little over sixteen years ago, I was born (no, I wasn't born... I'm typing this straight from my mother's womb). I lived in St. Louis, MO for the first glorious seven years of my life, until my father's job gave us just causes to move to Pennsylvania. I lived there for a about 4 years... but then my parents got divorced, so we moved back here (Missouri, for those of you with terrible memories).
Well... at the present time, I am attending an all girls school. It's quite nice, actually.
Let's see... what could I possibly talk about that wouldn't bore you? Let's see... well, I can't really think of anything that wouldn't bore you, so TOUGH. I'm going to talk about myself, and if you don't like, then I am going to have to hit you with this green onion.
First I will describe myself... I'd say I'm smart, but a lot of people think that (I mean, if someone is stupid, they're probably too stupid to realize that they are stupid). I'm also very sarcastic, and rather rude, but I think I'm a nice person inside (very far inside). I am extremely shy around people (except for my family, friends, and some of my teachers). I have a twisted sense of humor... and OHHH is it twisted. And if there is anyone out there that wishes to know what I look like, I do have some blurry pictures of myself in my photo section... but I'll briefly say, I have brown hair, brown eyes, and I'm 5'6.75" tall.
Let's see... my musical talents include: playing the piano (but I'm not very good, and the neighbors constantly call and ask if our cat is dying or something). I'm in the handbell choir (I play the low G and A for anyone that cares... and I'm sure that NO ON IN THE ENTIRE BLUE & GREEN PLANET DOES)I'm also in the school's Concert Choir but I don't know how, because once again, when I sing, the neighbors call and ask if our cat is dying.
Oh yes! My kitty! I have a kitty named Flossie (my father named her, not me)! She must be the sweetest thing in the whole world! I've had her since I was four (she's twelve, for those of you that are pathetic in math). Math. I love math. First two tests of the school year 95 and 97%. Yeah baby! I've gone to assorted math contests, and though I was kinda stupid in the two the school went to last year, in fourth, seventh and eigth grade, I did quite well... I'm a straight A student (if you don't take into account the two B's that usually accompany the nine A's). I'd have to say that I love science SOOOO much... I'm going to be a cardiologist (doctor who studies hearts).
I'm in some clubs... let's see... French Club, The Young Republicans Club, and of course, the grand-daddy of all clubs, Youth in Government.
I love to read (but I haven't lately. As one person said to me, my mind is rotting away as we speak). Two summers ago I usually cranked out a novel a day (hmmm that tells you a lot about my social life, doesn't it?). But yes, I do have friends.... there is my disgusting & funny friend Mag, and my very good friend Becca (the ideal, trustworthy friend), and my overly violent (but has a good heart) friend Kate, and my cute little silly friend Lu, and my two little Emily's, and my strong little gymnast Dale, and my dancing Drea... and my guy pals... my cultural friend Edward (he acts like a 35 year old man... but we know he's a kid inside), Mike, Dane, Alex and Doug. And who could forget my ninth grade buddies (they look up to me... they worship me... they... they... ok, they make fun of me, like everyone else)... Lauren, Carolyn, Sarah, and Shivani and others... and to everyone else... if I left your name out, that means I hate you! (no, I'm kidding. I love all you guys!)
I don't know what else to mention... I'm sure I've made you bored enough (haha! My evil plan worked!), so... I'll leave myself at that... everything else will probably be covered in my "Obsessions & Pet Peeves" section. Catch ya later (and feel free to email me)

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