A Day in the Life of Me.

Well... I have now decided to tell you about a day in the life of me, Amber.
Let's see... how about I start at the beginning of a normal Monday morning? okay.
I wake, with kitty Flossie cuddled in my arms, to the wonderful sound of my overly loud alarm clock at 5:00 AM... I wake up so early because I didn't do any homework over the weekend, and I need to do it then. But then I mumble, "I'll do it on my way to school," and set the alarm clock for 6:30, and go back to bed.
About 6:45, my mother comes into my room and tells me to get my butt out of bed, so I get up, and walk down the hall, to my computer where I check my email (even though we have to leave in ten minutes). I read my email (and I growl because there are so many annoying porn advertisements that I have to delete).
I then stumble into the bathroom, where I take a shower. I get out, and walk to my room, long hair dripping. I put on my ugly plaid skirt, along with the rest of my attire, and yell at Mom to finish getting ready. I sit on the couch for about ten minutes after 7, annoyed because we had to leave five minutes ago.
Mom is finally ready, and I press the elevator button (I live on the ninth floor). It is hand operarated, so I grunt as the door hits me in the back, while I'm trying to hold the huge metal door open for my mother.
We get in the car, and drive down the street to Edward's house. We wait outside, because if I go to the door, he barks at me about being able to hear our car two miles away. He comes out of his house after a short period of time, throws his head in the air, doesn't make eye contact with us, and starts talking to the plants (well... not really... but it's kinda cute).
We fight St. Louis's awful traffic, and then finally get off the highway, and on to my school's street. I wander in, probably late, like I am 25% of the time, and come in the middle of learning the imperfect tense of French verbs.
Eventually, it's comes time for our 45 minutes lunch period, where I do my math set of 30 problems that are due next period. Soon, the day ends, and I sit outside on the concrete, after all my friends have gone, until about 5 PM, when Mom finally shows up. I go home and get on the internet for a very, very, very long time, and I talk to my friends. I turn into the symbolic potato, as I watch my favorite show on television, and I get on the internet again. Meal time happens sometime in there... but there isn't really a set time. I don't eat lunch or breakfast... and dinner is usually whatever I can find in the back of the freezer. I get on the internet again. Soon, my eyes get so squinty, I can't see two inches in front of me, so I go to sleep (usually around 11 or 12). Well... that is a day in the life of me... I hope you enjoyed.

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