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Melissa Online ;-)

Hey! I'm a 20 year old sophomore majoring in Psychology at Shippensburg University..BEST school in the world!!!!!! I love it here..Anywho..I've made some great friends up here at school that I wanna say hiya to!! Vanessa, Lori, Kiima, Kat, Crazy Mike, Derek, Derek, Travis, Adam, Brooks, Steph, and the two Matts. Also a huge shout out to my bestest friends in the world Megan and Trisha..I miss you girls so much!!! And also to my best friend back home, Lauren(one day I'll make it up to Altoona!) Last but NOT boyfriend Justin..I love you with all my heart, you're truly my best friend!!! I also have an older brother, Sean, who is married to the best sis-in-law that a girl could ask for, Jen..and I have two beatiful nieces, Taylor and Cameron..Taylors a bundle of trouble but I still love her!!!

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My Phatty Photos
Even MORE of my phatty photos!
More yet of my phatty photos!
More pics....again
A whole lotta stuff about me
Yup...moooorreeee pictures
Me and Justin

My friend Laurens web page..she's the Apple Queen..Impressed? ;-)
MP3's galore!
GO TO THIS WEBSITE!!!!!!!!!!!!! This guy is gonna get married if he gets 100,000 people to go to the website before Vday 2001!!
Download AOL Instant Messenger(GOOD thing to have!)
Philladelphia Phillies Homepage
Hello Kitty Images!!
Great Hello Kitty Backgrounds
Hello Kitty Pictures and Icons
More Hello Kitty!!!
Sick of Hello Kitty yet?
Harrisburg Senators Homepage movie in the WORLD