Steven's World of Love and Peace

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Steven's World of Love and Peace

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Hello to all. Welcome to Stevens World!!!

I want to thank you for visiting me at my home page. May God add a blessing to you, your lives and your families.

I want to first tell you a little about myself. Iam 60 years old. I am retired and could not be happier. While I am a Capricorn by virtue of the zodiac. I am a servant and a child of God by virtue of his love and mercy for me. I belong to one of the worlds oldest fraternal organizations. I will greet and meet you on the level and part my way from you on the square. I am a volunteer firefighter for the city in which I live as well as a Fire Police Officer for the State of Pennsylvania. I am a qualified electrician and carpenter. I know that one day God will add to that and show me what it is that he would have me do in his holy name. Gods gift to you was your life. Your gift to God is what you do with your life. He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my GOD, in whom I trust." Finally, be pure at heart for only those that are pure at heart will see the Kingdom of Heaven. What man is he who live shall not see death? Let us be prepared for our final moment in life, and let us live in peace and love today. My friends! God has blessed me richly and he will bless you also. All you have to do is keep the word in your heart and your mind. Do Gods will and not your own and he will take care of you. His promise to us was that he would be with us until the end.The Lord shall preserve thee from evil: he shall from this time forth, and even for evermore.

THINGS THAT I LIKE TO DO. I love to travel, I like to go on vacations and I like to visit new and interesting places.

MY MOTTO IS; Be ye always ready and never forget that the first step you take represents 50% of the journey.

WORDS OF WISDOMYou will find all the wisdom that you need to hear in the Holy Bible. Read it and what ever you are seeking it can be found in the Word of God.

WORDS TO THOSE THAT SEEK RELATIONSHIPS.God gave Adam Eve and so it is quit normal for man to need woman and woman to need man. Seek out that someone for you but first have a relationship with God because with out God in your life nothing good could ever come of a relationship between man and woman.

This page is dedicated to the memory of my closest friend and relative. Officer Marjorie Renee Borden who was born into this world December 25, 1955 and departed this world November 8, 1998. I love you Margie!!! But I know that it is a far better thing that you be with God then to be here with us. I look forward to the resurrection of life in Christ Jesus. For Jesus procliaimed in John Chapter 11 verse 25. "I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, thou he were died, yet shall he live:" You shall live on my dear cousin, in the hearts of all that you have touched.

Yours with LOVE Captain Steven E.

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May God Add A Blessing To Your Life!!!