Mandy's Page

My Rules

  • Mandy is the prettiest girl on earth!!
  • Central People Are Awesome!
  • Mice Rule
  • Freshman suck!

    Hey to all my friends...Chris (I love u soo much ur my baby!! Mandy and Christopher together forever!!! hehe remember all the fun stuff love you hunnie! and ur ALL MINE! I LOVE U!!)

    Nikki (I kno it's been hard lately but u still are and will always be my best friend!!! hehe remember locksmith i need a locksmith!! and working at mcdonalds and cheerleading and everything else lol i love ya girl!!) Lindsay (lol we have way to many inside jokes..refer to ur birthday present hehe...our talks at like 4 in the morning that nite in the tent..swimming..the hoe wall..songs..singing to each other..the beach last year..and everything else...your my bestest friend lol i love ya girl!!) Sheena (Ur my girl always rem the fun times at lindsay's and the totally true dead sexy sister's or somethin like that! hehe oh yea and the girl's nites out too! ill always b here if ya need me :) hehe i love u!!)

    Shelby (we eat real food :) our cool countdowns and girl's nite outs i miss ya!! <3) Kristy (haha remember all the good times hun!! ur always someone i kno i can talk to i <3 u!! ) Tawnya (hehe always rem the good times softball singing country songs and all the times in 6th and 7th grade <3) Anika (6th grade kiked ass ill never forget it study hall was the best and so was comp tech hehe im glad u didn't go away to tech ur my kitty <3) Michelle (hey hun don't forget all the good times good luck with brad!) Kelly (BOOKS hehe i don't kno what i would do without u at softball!) Anna (haha remember all the times at youth group and church lol) Lisa (bio and anika's party the blaire witch) and Laura (softball #33 and #32 and cheerleading im just gonna leave watch me!) and Tara (HI TARA!!!) and Angie (we r the awesome short bases) & Jen (Spanish SUCKS! i can't believe they were gonna tell him that joke! Hello Senor Asshole and we are the cool ones with the inapporiate homepages) and Kim (haha rem. mcdonalds and DaRe's class)

    Casey (ur funny unless ur making fun of me!) Nick Karnes (lunch lol and i knew about ur car and u knew about my 4 wheeler lol) Corey (Dr. Kerery lol don't forget D.C.) Brett (even though we don't get along too well always rememeber our good times) Horsey (ur an awesome friend lol cast buddies) Martin (when ur nice to me ur cool even tho ur horny 24/7 be nice to Krissy) Bryce (my twin) Jeremy Koffel (HI JEREMY!) Rob Drumm (hey sorry i can't talk u too much nemore) Garrringer (lol ur cool don't forget all the good times) Joe Scharf (my homie don't forget about me when u become famous) Adam Creasy (i wear girl's socks<---- lol that was a long time ago treat my girl right *i kno u will* :)) & Brad Burkland (remember all the old times when u were everyone's advice giver lol thanks for being there!)

    Hey to my Millville friends Mike (i still haven't decided y u hate me but whatever...) Frank ( remember our good times) Benton ppl Levi (hehe ur a good friend ill never forget 7th grade wit u!) Bloom ppl Wharton (lol im bro bro's cousin u best treat my girl right!) Jay (ill say hi to u even tho im not on ur page!) And my unknown school friend lol KADTKE (haha remember all funny times)

    If i forgot ya sorry! Skiing and Softball kick @$$!!! U all betta sign my guestbook and slambook!! Oh yea and on AIM my sn is Mandy3433 if u wanna talk to me! Um K i'm done now. I think. Hope u liked my pages. If u didn't well guess what i didn't ask u to come in the 1st place! :)! L8er!

    Love Ya!!

    *~Mandy Nicole ~*

    Rem...Playas r fun...when u Play them!!

    I trust my complexion will never be perfect, my reflection will never be what i want it, but someone will think that i am beautiful

    Guys r like stars, theres millions of them, but only 1 can make ur dreams come true

    Don't settle for anybody that treats you like anything less then a princess.

    Life is a long & bumpy road, we never kno where were gonna end up. Love is a deep sea, we never kno when were gonna reach the bottom but everyday we swim deeper & deeper tryin to get there. Trust is what we live on, its what we wish we could all have. Ppl go thru life never havin love nor trust. The lucky ones r loved. The not so lucky ones dont feel a thing. Sumtimes were blinded by our thoughts & dreams; we feel that when we find sumone its meant to be when it rarley is.Live life day by day & look for sumone that u can truly say is meant to be urs!

    I wrote ur name in the sand but the ocean washed it away I wrote your name in my heart and forever it will stay

    The best and most wonderful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

    Guys are great...Every girl should own one

    Kiss my @$$


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