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Welcome To My NF Site, My Name is Kim
Oh BTW I Am A Guy

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I am planning to tell all of you about my experinces with NF 1.
The more I research , the more I discover why I had some of the learning problems that I had in school.
One thing that helped me through my difficult times was the Love of Jesus Christ for me.
For as long as I can remember I have had a large growth on my right arm ...with a Cafe Au Lait mark that runs from my shoulder to my knuckles with a 1" white stripe on the underside of my arm (right also). My mother told me she was scared by a deer when she was Pregnant with me ..this is how she thought this happened ...(old wifes tale I guess) turns out to be from NF 1 As I grew older I noticed little bumps on my body and legs then my feet..when I asked the family Dr he said not to worry unless they caused me trouble I did not let it get to me...Then I decided to join the Millitary when I turned 18 wanted to do something for my country...and was going to make a Life of the Navy. Wanted to see the world, thats whenI found out that the growth on my arm was Neurofibromatosis..... My family Dr said he thought that it might be that also. This was in 1975 not much was known then or maybe no information was that avalibale ...I went to a Derm. Dr he said Yes it was NF .so I had a Piece removed for biopsey to confirm. came back ..yes it is (As Ive grown older the NF bumps seem to grow a little and Ive developed more.) People that i went to school with ask me why they never noticed my right arm, I guess I always wore long sleeve shirts, ( Funny how people remember things) I wasnt as self consious then as I am now . I can tell when poeple are staring at me . I just dont know how to respond My Mrs and I have 1 child , No sign of NF at all Praise God for that. Little one is 16 now. Still no signs. The large Mass on My right arm is getting bigger,By that It is getting thicker, not longer or wider just thicker. I have been to Drs and Have had new bumps as I get older, I get Migraines , this may be caused from NF ....How wounderfull. Not sure if its NF related but I also have Tintus (Ringing in the Ears) It has been bothering me for a few years , getting worse as I get older Been to an Ear Dr and He cant find any NF related trouble so far. Ive been at the same Job for 26 Years now , Ive been very lucky Many People I work with are afraid of My Arm or just don't like to be around me , I tell them if it Bothers You Don't look at it .
keep commig back as I will add more

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