Steph's Kick Ass Page

Hey peeps...whats up?!? Thanx for comin' to my homepage... i'm Steph, a 16 year-old girl from East Stroudsburg, PA (aKa HeLL)...not da greatest place on earth, but what can i say? I’m a SENIOR *aww yeah* at E.S.H.S. I'm in love with a very special person...they know who they are... *KISS* for that German Hottie! I just wanna give a shout out to all my know who you all are...Oh by da way, tell me whatcha think boutz my page by signin' da g-book, aight?!? Dont forget! I got ICQ (#9900349) and AOL (DlNKA) so send me a message sometime! Later dawgz...

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*~*PiX PaGe*~*

*~*My FrIeNd'S PaGeS*~*

*~*PhAt LiNkS*~*

*~*TaKe A PuRiTy TeSt*~*

*~*ViEw My SLaMBooK*~*

*~*SiGn My SLaMBooK*~*

*~*ViEw My G-BooK*~* *~*SiGn My G-BooK*~*

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