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The Copse Corpse

Part two

After Maddy had dressed, and Jonathan had helped himself to some breakfast, they decided to go out and enjoy the nice spring day. It was, after all, the only nice spring day that Britain had seen since last summer.
They got into Maddy's car and decided to drive to the nearest wood, which was a couple of miles away since Maddy lives in London. They were silent all the way there. the only sound was the very low tune of 'Percy Sledge' coming from the car radio.
They arrived and Copse wood at about two o'clock. Time for more food but Maddy choose to ignore the feeling. As the got out of the car, Maddy came round to Jonathan and linked him. Not in a friendly sort of way, but in a way that indicated that she needed to be comforted and loved. Jonathan didn't know how to react, as Maddy had never been so open about her feelings before. He just allowed her to do it and they began to walk around the, now worn, path of the wood.
"Jonathan. What do you think might have happened to Michael." Just before Jonathan had time to answer she carried on. "I mean, he loved Helen completely and would never want to purposefully hurt her. We three were really close and we told each other everything. If something was going on, we would have known or been able to tell." "Well..." Jonathan butted in quickly before she had time to carry on. "I think that he may have become involved in something and had to leave. Maybe he went bankrupt or maybe he really had fallen in love with someone else." Maddy turned to Jonathan with a look of surprise. "What did I just say..." she withdrew her arm from his "....if he'd have loved someone else we would have known. He wasn't that sort of person." Maddy marched off and Jonathan was left standing alone. At least, he thought, no one was there to see that. they may have misinterpreted the situation and taken the two people to be arguing lovers. Jonathan thought how much money he would give for that to happen. He sighed and continued to follow the same path and Maddy.
After ten minutes of wandering, he still hadn't found her and he began to get worried. He stopped dead and decided to try and listen for footsteps or any sound that might indicate to some else being there. He couldn't so he carried on walking. Suddenly he heard someone scream. it wasn't just anybody, it was Maddy. he tried to follow the direction of the scream but he couldn't find her. He kept running until he thought the scream where getting closer. Then they stopped, but he knew he was close. He walked straight on for a couple of yards, through some trees and was then confronted with a very white looking Maddy.
"What's the matter? What the hell are you screaming for?" She turned her head towards him and pointed to a heap of leaves on the floor. Jonathan turned his head to look down on them. Sticking out of the heap of leaves was a gun. But not just a gun. Attached to the gun was a hand. A very blue, blood stained hand. He thought that where there was a hand, there must be a body. He grabbed Maddy, walked her away from the body and called the police from his mobile.
Part Three
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