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Speech 104, Interpersonal Communication - Prof. Jerry Fernandes

LANCASTER CAMPUS, Harrisburg Area Community College

Interpersonal Communication,  (Speech 104)

                                                COURSE SYLLABUS / OUTLINE

ASST. PROFESSOR:    Charles J.(Jerry) Fernandes                             Semester:  Spring 2004

CRN:  ______                                                       Course Title:  Interpersonal Communication

Semester Credit Hours:  3                            Division:  Communication and the Arts

Required Text:     Velma Walker and Lynn Brokaw, Becoming Aware, Ninth Edition, Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company.

Required Materials:  Spiral or other bound journal notebook

Prerequisites:  Eligibility for, or Completion of English 101    

COURSE DESCRIPTION:  This is an introductory course in the fundamentals of interpersonal human communication.  Based on an overview of human communication theory, the course examines the components of interpersonal communication and how we may improve our own interpersonal communication through awareness and practice.  The course relies on our text, video materials, lectures, class discussions, and observations of ourselves and others engaged in the communication process.  Work and professional, casual and friendship and last but not least, our most precious love and intimate relationships can be made better.  This course is a starting point for improving the quality of these relationships.


Primary Objectives:

1.  Have students be able to identify and define the parameters of interpersonal communication.

2.  Have students understand the major components of the human communication process:           Language, nonverbal, behavior, perception, and listening.

3.  Have students understand how the major components of the human communication process     can influence interpersonal interactions.

4.  Have students understand a range of interpersonal relationship dynamics including:  self-concept, communication climates, conflict management, relationship development, self-disclosure, gender communication and more.

Secondary Objectives:

1.  Empower students to increase the quality of their personal relationships by increasing their      communicative choices.

2.  Foster an appreciation of the power human communication has to shape relationships and our lives.

3.  Develop an awareness of the influence diversity has in our lives.


1.  Journal of student's interpersonal communication experiences as they relate to the course         content.

2.  Four written tests based on reading assignments and lectures.

3.  Four oral reports of field observation assignments

4.  Class participation in discussions and exercises.


1.  STUDENT INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION JOURNAL:  Students will maintain a personal journal containing reflections of their interpersonal communication experiences throughout the semester.  Entries should be frequent and comprehensive.  Also, entries must demonstrate the student's comprehension of the components and principals of interpersonal communication as they relate to the student's developing interpersonal communication competence.  (Journals will be reviewed privately during the class meeting time.)           
(100 points possible)

2.	EXAMS:  There will be a total of  4 written examinations covering roughly equal parts of the text and lectures.  Each exam will be multiple choice and will be worth 100 points each.

3.	ORAL REPORTS OF FIELD OBSERVATIONS:  There will be 4 field observations.  Students will be assigned to observe others involved in real life interpersonal communication.  Reporting on these observations will be interpersonal communication concept driven and will be worth a total of 100 points each.  Report of field observations will be graded in accordance with the comprehensiveness of the report and the quality of the written report.

A  typed/computer printed report of the field observation will be turned in immediately following oral presentation of the report to the class..  (Note:  Hand written reports will not be accepted and late reports will result in a 10 point deduction for the report grade.)  The oral report as well as the type written report must adhere to the following format: 

 1. Briefly describe the interpersonal communication concept which was the basis of your   observation(s) for this report as well as the people being observed.  Then discuss the situational context of the event being observed.  (What situation were you observing)

Note:  In discussing the participants observed remember to protect their anonymity   You must not name the participant being observed or otherwise provide description of the participants that would make them easily identifiable.

2.  Describe the physical setting in which the observation was conducted.
3.  Discuss the date(s), time(s), and duration of the observation(s) being reported.  (Was this a single observation of a single interpersonal communications event or did you observe several events based on the same concept?)   
4.    Discuss the people being observed.  (Note:  You must not be an active participant in the interpersonal communication event being observed.) 

5.  What interpersonal communication changes could have been made to improve the event you are reporting on?

6.  If you feel you have observed an ideal communication event, how can you incorporate the effective interpersonal communication elements you observed into your own style in order to improve it?

 Maximum points will be based on the degree of comprehensiveness and the student's application of concepts and principals in the report.  Finally, students must conclude each report with a suggestion for improving the communication he or she observed or if it was ideal, how the student could adapt relevant principals to improving his or her own interpersonal communication.  (400 total points possible)

ATTENDANCE POLICY:  Student attendance and active participation is absolutely essential.  Unexcused absences will impact your overall grade.  A verifiable emergency or documented medical problem are examples of what constitutes an excused absence.  You are a vital part of this class.  Please make every effort to be present and on time for each class.

HONESTY POLICY:  Any student found cheating on a test will receive the grade of “F” for that test.

Any student requiring a special accommodation due to a physical and/or learning disability (challenge) must meet with an ADA counselor in order to establish the nature of the disability
(challenge) via documentation.  Then, one of the ADA trained counselors will communicate with me to establish the appropriate accommodation.  Should any student believe he or she needs a special accommodation in order to compete fairly in this class but has not yet seen a counselor, please do so as soon as possible.  Finally, students who have seen an ADA counselor and who have had their disability (challenge) documented, please make a private appointment
with me so that we can be clear on the accommodation(s) to be made.  When you succeed, I succeed.  I fully support your rights under the ADA.


Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.  Whether in my office or on the phone, you are always welcome.

My office hours are:    Wed. &  Fri.  10-11 &  Tues. &  Thur.  10:45-11:45     OR AS NEEDED BY APPOINTMENT    Room    (217F)    (Evening classes before or after class)

My office phone number is:  358-2920

My home phone number is:  627-4995 (call between 8:00 am & 9:00 pm.)

I encourage the use of email to extend “office hours” to meet student needs on a more real-time basis.  (Got a concern, question, or comment?  Email is usually a quick way to get an answer or maybe even give me an ear full.)

My Email address is

                                 SPEECH 104  ACTIVITY SCHEDULE  Spring 2004

Week One:   1/15/04

    a.  Review Syllabus, and discuss course objectives/requirements
    b.  Discuss our mutual personal and professional expectations
    c.  Instructor and Student personal introductions:
         - Fill out  the Student Personal Introduction Form 

    ASSIGNMENT:  Read Chapter 1 and be prepared to discuss the
    contents when we meet again on Tuesday

  Week Two: 1/20 – 1/22

a.	Discussion of Chapter 1 – Getting Acquainted with Ourselves and Others
   b.   Review of field observation assignment criteria
         ASSINGMENT:  Read Chapter 2

Week Three: 1/27 – 1/29

a.	Class Discussion of Chapter 2

ASSIGNMENT:   Conduct a Field Observation of any items we have covered so far and report                                        your findings during our next meeting 

        ASSIGNMENT:  Read Chapter 3

Week Four: 2/3 – 2/5	

a.  Report on Field Observation Using Prescribed Format       (Field Observation Report # 1)
b.  Lecture and Class Discussion on Chapter 3
c.  Review for Test on Chapters 1, 2, and 3

    ASSIGNMENT:  Read Chapter 4

Week Five: 2/10 – 2/12	

a.	Test on Chapters 1, 2, and 3                                          (Test # 1)
b.	Grading and Discussion of Test
  c.   Individual Journal Conferences                                    (Journal Conference # 1) 

Week Six: 2/17 – 2/19	

   a.  Lecture and Discussion on Chapter 4
   b.  Discussion of how we cope with our own emotions
     ASSIGNMENT:  Read Chapter 5

Week Seven: 2/24 – 2/26

  a.  Lecture and Discussion on Chapter 5
  b.  Review for Test on Chapters 4 and 5

  ASSIGNMENT:  Read Chapter 6 

Week Eight: 3/3 – 3/4

    a.  Test on Chapters 4 and 5                                                          (Test # 2)
    b.   Lecture and Discussion on Chapter 6

ASSIGNMENT:   Conduct a Field Observation of any interpersonal communication concept or element we have discussed since your last field observation.  Report your findings during our next meeting
    ASSIGNMENT:  Read Chapter 7

SPRING BREAK March 7 – March 12

Week Nine:  3/16 – 3/18

  a.  Lecture and Discussion on Chapter 7                                              
  b.  Report orally on your listening field observation            (Field observation # 2)
  ASSIGNMENT:  Read Chapter 8

Week Ten: 3/23 – 3/25

a.  Lecture and Discussion on Chapter 8 
b.  Review for test on Chapters 6, 7, & 8                                             

ASSIGNMENT:  Read Chapter 9 

Week Eleven: 3/30 – 4/1

   a.  Test on Chapters 6, 7, & 8                                                   (Test # 3)
   c.   Individual Journal Conferences                                    (Journal Conference # 2) 

Week Twelve: 4/6  (4/8 Faculty In-Service:  No Class) (4/9 MT Break No Classes)

   a.  Lecture and Discussion on Chapter 9
 b.  Discussion of our personal cross-cultural communication considerations 
      (How do our individual cultural backgrounds effect our perception of other’s values)

ASSIGNMENT:   Conduct a Field Observation of any items we have covered so far and report                                        your findings during our next meeting   - Consider reporting on a cross-cultural communication event.

Week Thirteen: 4/13 – 4/15

  a.  Lecture and Discussion on Chapter 9 (Continued)
 b.  Discussion of our personal cross-cultural communication considerations 
      (How do our individual cultural backgrounds effect our perception of other’s values)
  c.  Report of Field Observation                                               (Field Observation # 3)
   ASSIGNMENT:  Read Chapter 10

Week Fourteen: 4/20 - 4/22

  a.  Lecture and Discussion on Chapter 10                                              
  b.  Review for Test on Chapters 9 & 10

Week Fifteen:  4/27 – 4/29

  a.  Test  on Chapters 9 & 10                                                     (Test # 4)
  b.  Discussion of where we are going with our lives

ASSIGNMENT:   Conduct a Field Observation of any items we have covered so far and report                                        your findings during our next meeting   

Week Sixteen:  5/4 – 5/6 

 a.  Report of Field Observation                                    (Field Observation # 4)
 b.   Individual Journal Conferences                                    (Journal Conference # 4)

Final Exam Week:  5/8 – 514

Come to our final exam period prepared to give this course a final examination.  
What can be done to improve course organization and delivery?
At this point in the course no one other than you knows better the answers to these questions.   I can not emphasize enough the value of your input.

Student Grade Record

Student Name_______________________            

1.	Test # 1……….__________ (100 Points Possible)

2.	Test # 2……….__________ (100 Points Possible)

3.	Test # 3……….__________ (100 Points Possible)

4.	Test # 4……….__________ (100 Points Possible)

5.	Field Observation  # 1 _____ (100 Points Possible)

6.	Field Observation # 2 _____ (100 Points Possible)

7.	Field Observation # 3 _____ (100 Points Possible)

8.	Field Observation # 4 _____ (100 Points Possible)

9.	Journal……………... _____ (100 Points Possible)

Sub Total……………… _____ (900 Points Possible)

Divide Sub Total by 9 = Class Grade………………………__________


Speech 104 Student Personal Introduction Form

Please address the following questions during your personal introduction.  Feel free to add            additional information.

        1.  What is your full name and how would like to be addressed?  (nickname?)

        2.  Who are you as of today?  What culture(s) do you identify with?  

        3.  What are some of your goals?   (Where are you going in life?)

             - Short Term:

             - Long Term:

        4.  Besides 3 units and a decent grade, what do you need from this

        5.  What are some of your hobbies, interests or just favorite things to do?

        6.  What is it about certain people that really makes you like them?

8.	Anything else you would like to add?

Course Materials, Return Links, and Others

Handout-Active Listening
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