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Sample Speech To Persuade

             HACC, Lancaster Campus
             COMM 101, Prof C. J. Fernandes
           (An Example)

 Note:  The data presented in this sample speech is fictitious and is intended only as a backdrop
 for this illustration.  Also, this example illustrates a mid point between the initial narrative form
 and the final note card form of the speech.  This entire speech should be reduced to three or four
 5" X 8" note cards for an extemporaneous  presentation.  Remember, the less narrative data on
 the note cards, the less temptation to read.


1.  Attention:  I wonder how many of us came to class tonight	a wondering whether or not
     we would make it home safely?  Most of us are not usually preoccupied with these type
     thoughts.  But did you know that during the past 14  months 27 people have been
     seriously injured and 4 have been killed within one block of where you are sitting right
2.  Personal Introduction:  Good Evening, I'm Jerry Fernandes

3.  Motivational Statement:  and tonight, I'm going to provide you with some
information that can literally save your life.

  In doing this I'll talk about 

4.  Overview: 

 - The nature of a serious problem that we are facing

  And then, I'll cover

 - What has been done by city officials and law enforcement so far
to resolve this problem

 And finally, I'll discuss

 - What we can do now to protect ourselves from the threat this
problem poses


I.  The problem that we are facing is the deadly intersection of H Street and
     Laurel Avenue.

 - This intersection is dangerous to us all because it has no stop light.

 -- According to a summary of Lompoc City Police reports filed within the last 14 months,
     there have been 19 collisions at the corner of H Street and Laurel Avenue.  Of these, 19
     collisions, 11 were attributed to the failure of  East/West Laurel Avenue traffic to stop
     at H Street.  The remaining 8 accidents were attributed to motorist traveling North and
     South on H Street, striking cars in the rear that had just turned on to H street from
     Laurel Avenue.

 -- An analysis of  Lompoc traffic accidents was prepared by Mr. J. T. Brown of  the
     California Department of Motor Vehicles Mishap Investigation Division,  and 
     published February 22nd,1996.  In this analysis, the underlying cause of  these specific
    19 traffic accidents was listed as the lack of adequate traffic control at the intersection
    of H Street and Laurel Avenue.  The analysis further went on to site the installation of a
    traffic signal as the recommended solution.

 -- I have copies of both the Summary of Lompoc City Police reports and Mr. Brown's
    analysis If you would care to review them for yourself later.

 Well, now that we've examined the nature of the threat we are facing
  lets take a look at  what has been done so far to defend against this threat.

II.  Debate by city officials and increased patrols by law enforcement have not
      solved the problem.

 - The Lompoc City Council has debated installing a traffic signal.

 -- During the last two City Council meetings held in January and February of this year,
     the council acknowledged the need for a traffic signal but concluded that the cost of 
     $127,000.00 would take away from funds needed for other city projects.

 - Police increased patrol of this dangerous area from October to December of  1996.

 -- 6 of the 19 accidents occurred during this three month period.
 --- Police can not be permanently assigned to observe one intersection....
      Manning just won't permit that.

 ---- According to Patrolman Danny Glover, a
        Lompoc City Policeman who was involved in the additional 
        patrol of the H Street and Laurel Avenue intersection area (and I quote)

  "While Police were present and visible, people were  normally more 
    careful, but when no police were present it was business as usual."

 So we've taken a look at what has been done so far, 
 now lets look at what we can do to further protect ourselves.

III.  In order to protect ourselves and those we love, we can drive defensively,  but most
        importantly, we must demand a traffic light be installed without further delay.

 -  Driving defensively is always a good idea.
 -- Just being aware of a dangerous situation will naturally make us more 
     alert.  The more attentive we are anywhere, but particularly at this
     dangerous intersection, the more apt we are to avoid an accident.

  but driving defensively is just not enough

 -  We must have that traffic signal and we must have it NOW!!!

 -- When we get this traffic signal installed we will all be safer.  Tragedies will be
      prevented.  The city council must hear our voices.  Remember, 27 people have
      already been seriously injured and 4 have died at this intersection.  $127,000.00
      may be a lot of money but can we afford not to spend it on a traffic signal for the
      intersection of Laurel Avenue and H Street?  How long will it be before you and I
      are one of those accident victims?  How often do you use this Intersection?  Will
      you use this intersection tonight when you leave class?  We can't wait any                                    longer !!!!!

 -- If we do not act now and demand the installation of this traffic signal
     then we will be contributing to the injuries and deaths and pain to
     surviving families because of our lack of action.  We must act now!!

 -- The next City Council meeting will be held April 12th, next Thursday at  7:00 p.m..
     The agenda includes comments and a call to vote on this traffic signal issue.  The
     more of us who attend that council meeting and support immediate installation of a
      traffic signal, the better the chance we will have of getting it
  Ladies and  Gentlemen, attend that meeting with me and with me, demand this
  traffic signal be installed immediately!!!


1.  Summary:                                      Well, tonight we

 - Took a look at the nature of a serious problem we are all facing.

 -- The Intersection of Laurel Avenue and H Street is a
     disaster waiting to happen to you and me and those we love.  Remember
     the two separate documents which point to the lack of a traffic
     signal at this dangerous intersection as a prime contributing factor
     in the accidents which occurred there.

 -- Remember the 27 injured and 4 who were killed there, not one block from
     where we are right now.


 - We discussed what has been done so far by both city officials and  law
   enforcement to deal with this problem.

 -- We saw that the City Council has been debating installing a traffic signal.

 --  We saw that the Police Department tried increased patrol of the area.
 --- But remember the words of Patrolman Glover, when he said that as soon 
      as police were not immediately present it was business as usual.

    and finally

 -  We looked at what we can do to further protect ourselves from  the threat
    posed by the serious problem of no traffic signal at the corner of H Street
    and Laurel Avenue.

 -- Remember, driving defensively is always a good idea.

 -- But most importantly, we saw that the immediate installation of a traffic signal
     is our best defense against this threat and we need to let our City Council
     know that we can't wait any longer.

2.   Purpose Statement:  So, ladies and gentlemen, now you have the information that can
      literally save your life.  And so the time for action is here. I urge you to go to the City
      Council meeting with me next Thursday at 7:00 p.m. and demand a  traffic signal be 
      installed at the intersection of Laurel Avenue and H Street immediately!!!

3.  Closure:  If you need a ride to the meeting or if you have any questions, see me after class.
     I'll be happy to talk with you.

Thank you

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