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"Jades Haven"

Take A Look At My Other Pages!!

In Memory of

A Loved One Lost

Touching Stories

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"Dark Angel the Series"

My Family... I couldn't ask for a better family than you. Thank you for being there and putting up with me.

Attey...A special thanks to you. You have been there for me when I need someone the most. I love you and I am blessed to have you for family as well as a friend. They say that you can't choose your family. As far as I'm concerned I couldn't have done a better job if I could. I love you and cherish the time we spend together.
"Attey's Webpage"

Jo...You were my first internet friend. You have always been there for me when I needed to "get away". I want to thank you for your friendship and patience while I deal with my life. No words can explain what your friendship means to me.
"Trishs Sanctuary"

Ranger...Thank you for your honesty, if I ever need a honest and true emotion from someone I know I can always count on you. You remind me of a person I once loved and cared for deeply. I hope that our friendship will last an eternity.

FanC...I especially want to thank you for helping me with this webpage. You made things much easier on me. I can acutally say that I still have hair left on my head and I haven't thrown the puter out the window and that is all because of you.
"FanC Place to Chill"

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"Come back soon and bring some friends"