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************************************************************************************************************** 10/23/99 "Uncivil War Tour 99" Saturday,Oct.23, at Elizabeth (PA) Forward High School. ************************************************************************************************************** 1. Vince Viper pinned Super Hentai with a Backlund bridge. ************************************************************************************************************** Dennis Gregory and Powerhouse Hughes came to the ring. They called out referee Bronco Milko. Gregory berated Bronco for refusing to count to 3 at the last show in White Oak, when Gregory had Cueball Carmichael pinned for the SCW title. Milko was about to get clobbered, when T. Rantula came to the ring to save him! This led into ... ************************************************************************************************************** 2. T. Rantula pinned Powerhouse Hughes after a chokeslam. T fought through interference by Gregory and chokeslammed both men en route to the victory. T won the SCW title last month in White Oak, but was stripped of the title by Cueball, who won control of SCW that night. At the next show at White Oak Athletic Association (Saturday, Nov. 6), SCW will hold a tournament to crown a new heavyweight champion. ************************************************************************************************************** Notorious Norm and Hot $hot Drew Lazario came to the ring next. Norm bragged about regaining ownership of SCW, since the contract stated that Cueball won control for only 30 days. Norm and Drew also said they would produce the superstar who led the WWF to huge success in the 80s ... "Mine." ------ Mine was the stuffed mascot of George "The Animal" Steele. Norm and Drew pulled Mine out of a box after kidnapping it in the dressing room. Norm said that Cueball booked a main event of Norm vs. Steele, but Norm tossed that match out since he was in control again. --------- Not so fast, said Shirley Doe, who came to the ring. Doe said he was tired of Norm's treatment of the fans and wrestlers. Doe spoke for the entire locker room by saying that if Norm bailed on his match with George Steele, everyone ------------- would walk out and the show would be over. Announcer Jeff Gorman said he would walk out, too. Norm reluctantly agreed to the match, but said he would stick Doe in a handicap match. Lord Zoltan would have to sit in the crowd, since he wasn't even supposed to be there. ************************************************************************************************************** 3. Shirley Doe won the handicap match by defeating Bigg Playa & Sage. Late in the bout, Sage accidentally dropped an elbow on Playa. Then Zoltan came to ringside and tripped Sage, allowing Doe to score the pin. Bigg Playa clobbered Sage after the bout. ************************************************************************************************************** 4. SCW women's champion Little Jeannie pinned Lexie Fyfe after a huracanrana. ************************************************************************************************************** 5. Mike Quackenbush defeated Tracey Smothers when Dennis Gregory showed up and hit Smothers with a foreign object. Quack, who didn't see the interference, helped Smothers to his feet after the match. ************************************************************************************************************** 6. Julio Sanchez (now known as Julio S. Fantastico since his big pay-per-view appearance) pinned Don Montoya to win the SCW TV title after a DDT on a chair. Notorious Norm had thrown in the chair. Julio, who did see the interference, celebrated with Norm after the match! ************************************************************************************************************** 7. Cody Michaels pinned Dennis Gregory in a no-DQ match. Powerhouse Hughes hit Michaels with a chair, but Tracey Smothers evened the odds by hitting Hughes and Gregory with a chair, leading to the win. ************************************************************************************************************** 8. George Steele defeated Notorious Norm in the main event by submission to the flying hammerlock. Norm and Drew Lazario tried to use the kidnapped Mine to play on Steele's emotions. They stomped Mine and even gave it the Hart Attack finisher that the Hart Foundation used to use. This only enraged Steele, who moved in and got the win over Norm. Julio Sanchez attacked Steele after the match, but Steele was able to recover and drive off Julio, Drew and Norm. **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** 10/24/99------------ Steel City Wrestling made its first appearance at Bobby Dale's Restaurant in Greensburg, Pa., on Sunday, Oct. 24, as SCW continued its "Uncivil War Tour 99." ************************************************************************************************************** Cody Michaels came to the ring and said last night's no-DQ match against Dennis Gregory settled nothing. Michaels demanded that Gregory come to the ring for another fight. ************************************************************************************************************** 1. Dennis Gregory pinned Cody MIchaels with a foreign object from Powerhouse Hughes. ************************************************************************************************************** Notorious Norm and Hot $hot Drew Lazario came to the ring and said they had kidnapped "Mine" (the stuffed mascot of George "The Animal" Steele) again! They said this would lead to a win for Lazario over the WWF Hall of Famer. ************************************************************************************************************** 2. TV champion Julio S. Fantastico (Sanchez) pinned Tracey Smothers after interference by Hughes & Gregory. Hughes delivered a Michinoku driver to set up the pin. Hughes & Gregory continued to beat down Smothers, until Michaels made the save with a chair. ************************************************************************************************************** 3. George Steele pinned Hot Shot Drew Lazario. Norm tried to help Lazario by threatening to beat up Mine. Steele wouldn't stop beating Lazario, so Norm started beating up Mine. Steele began to mimic Norm's actions, so two simultaneous beatings were going on. Realizing this wasn't helping, Norm covered Mine for the pin, so Steele covered Lazario for the pin. ************************************************************************************************************** 4. Too Cool Trevor Lowe made his SCW debut and upset Powerhouse Hughes. This match was dominated by Hughes, who kept picking up Lowe to deliver more punishment. Lowe came back with a sunset flip for the pin. ************************************************************************************************************** 5. Mike Quackenbush pinned Don Montoya with La Magistral cradle. This match was to determine the new leader of the Black T-Shirt Squad, since Reckless Youth has been signed by the WWF. Congratulations, Reckless!! ************************************************************************************************************** 6. SCW women's champ Little Jeannie pinned Lexie Fyfe with a double-arm bridge suplex. **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** 10/1/99----------- Steel City Wrestling's heavyweight title has been held up following the controversial ending to the Sept. 19 show in White Oak, Pa. A lot of other big news items will have an impact on SCW's fall season, so let's take things one at a time. ************************************************************************************************************** 1. SCW Title vacant -- T. Rantula became a three-time SCW heavyweight champion in White Oak by defeating Cueball Carmichael. However, the real challenger for the match was supposed to be Dennis Gregory. Cueball, as the new owner of SCW, (see item 2) has stripped T of the title, but didn't feel he should reinstate himself as champion. So there will be an SCW heavyweight title tournament on Nov. 13 in White Oak (see item 3). ************************************************************************************************************** 2. Ownership situation -- Cueball Carmichael became the 100-percent owner of Steel City Wrestling at the White Oak show by defeating Notorious Norm. ----------- However, Norm was able to insert a contract stipulation that Cueball owns the company for 30 days only. So the Oct. 9 show in Mt. Washington will be the only show run by Cueball, since the Oct. 10 date has been changed (again,see item 3). By the time the Oct 23-24 shows take place, Norm will be ack in power. ************************************************************************************************************** 9/20/99----------- A shocking ending in last Sunday's main event has left Steel City Wrestling in a state of chaos. This show took place at White Oak (PA) Athletic Association. ************************************************************************************************************** 1. Romeo Valentino pinned Julio Sanchez. Julio delivered a top-rope bodypress, but Romeo rolled through, hooked the trunks and got the pin. ************************************************************************************************************** Notorious Norm then came to the ring for an interview. He talked about the main event, in which he would battle Cueball Carmichael for control of the company. Norm founded SCW in 1994, but Cueball has bought a 50-percent stake in SCW. In order to get Norm into the ring, Cueball had to agree to defend his SCW hevayweight title immediately after the match with Norm. ----------- T. Rantula came out during the interview to a big ovation. He told Norm that he would keep an eye out for him during the main event. Norm said he didn't need the help, but thanks anyway. Norm was also a little perturbed that T was just now making a full-time return to SCW, as opposed to being here when SCW started back up at the beginning of 1998. ************************************************************************************************************** 2. Junior heavyweight champ Lightning Mike Quackenbush defeated Fly Daddy. These guys did some amazing aerial work, flying into the crowd on more than one occasion. ************************************************************************************************************** 3. Helping Hand Dennis Gregory (with Hot Shot Drew Lazario) pinned John Kronus (with Infinity). Hot Shot tripped Kronus and held his leg down during the pin. ************************************************************************************************************** Semifinal bouts in the tournament to declare the first SCW women's champion: ************************************************************************************************************** 4. Lexie Fyfe pinned Tammy Starr after a seated powerbomb. ************************************************************************************************************** 5. Little Jeannie pinned Hot Shot Drew Lazario, who invaded the tournament as part of his "Woman Hater's Club" campaign. Lazario showed surprising ability as a wrestler, but Jeannie ended up pinning him after a suplex. ************************************************************************************************************** 6 Sage scored his first SCW victory by defeating Powerhouse Hughes. Powerhouse was seeking revenge for Sage's assist in his loss to Bigg Playa one night earlier. However, Playa interfered in this match, hitting Hughes with a chair to set up the win for Sage. ************************************************************************************************************** 7. Shirley Doe pinned Big Playa after a Sillyhead DDT. Powerhouse Hughes returned the favor by distracting Playa, leading to Doe's win. Before the match, Doe complained that The Dope Show (he and Lord Zoltan) were never booked on the same show. Doe demanded that Notorious Norm give them a chance to win the SCW tag team title. Those belts were most recently held by Lou Marconi (who is no longer in SCW) and Dennis Gregory. ************************************************************************************************************** Finals of the SCW women's title tournament: ************************************************************************************************************** 8. Little Jeannie pinned Lexie Fyfe after a superplex to become Steel City's first women's champion! ************************************************************************************************************** 9. Before the Cueball Carmichael vs. Notorious Norm match, referee Jacey North ejected Drew Lazario, Powerhouse Hughes and Dennis Gregory from Cueball's corner. While this was happening, Norm threw powder in Cueball's eyes. Norm then began street-fighting Cueball around the building, busting Carmichael's head open in the process. ------------ Cueball took over in the ring with wrestling holds. Several times, he tried to humiliate Norm by making him submit the company away. Norm fought back with a stunner and a pair of stinger splashes. Norm went for a Diamond cutter, but Cueball shoved him into the referee. Then all hell broke loose. ------------ Lazario, Hughes and Gregory helped Cueball do a 4-on-1 against Norm. Before they could knock out Norm with a chair, T. Rantula's music hit! T delivered huge chokeslams on Hughes and Cueball. But Norm wouldn't go for the pin. -------------------- Norm grabbed the mic and berated T. Rantula for being disloyal to him. He also ripped the fans for cheering T's big save. Norm said that if the fans would cheer for a guy like T, he didn't want SCW any more. He laid on the mat and said "Cueball, pin me." ----------------- Cueball didn't want the cheap win, so he DDT'd Norm and then pinned him. Cueball Carmichael is now the owner of Steel City Wrestling, as Notorious Norm gave the company away! ************************************************************************************************************** 10. Norm picked Dennis Gregory to get the title shot. Gregory knocked out Cueball with a chair and went for the pin. Second referee Bronco Milko counted 1, 2, ... then flipped off Gregory!! He was mad as hell, and he wouldn't take it any more!! ---------------- Milko berated Norm before getting hit from behind by Gregory. Then, T. Rantula covered Cueball. Original ref Jacey North crawled into the ring and counted the pin! He thought T was the man Norm chose for the title shot. Norm and Gregory protested, but to no avail. T. Rantula is the first three-time SCW heavyweight champion! ************************************************************************************************************** 8/15/99-------------- Steel City Wrestling gave Christian York a big send off to WCW on Aug. 14 at the White Oak (PA) Athletic Association. ************************************************************************************************************** 1. Sheriff Steele pinned Sage after a powerbomb. ************************************************************************************************************** Notorious Norm then came to the ring. He said Cody Michaels was unable to appear due to a family emergency. Norm said that Cody would pick a mystery partner to challenge SCW tag team champs Dennis Gregory & Lou Marconi at the next White Oak show on Saturday, Sept. 11 at 8 p.m. Cody's mystery partner has appeared in the WWF, WCW and (most recently) ECW. --------------- Norm also called Christian York to the ring and wished him the best of luck in WCW. Norm offered York a chance to wrestle Lou Marconi, with the winner facing Mike Quackenbush in the main event for the SCW junior heavyweight title. ************************************************************************************************************** 2. "Helping Hand" Dennis Gregory defeated Bigg Playa after a springboard legdrop. Powerhouse Hughes set up the victory by clobbering Playa with a chair. ------------ Before the match, Hot $hot Drew Lazario said Gregory needed to finish his match quickly, since Gregory was babysitting several Kosovo refugees and also was scheduled to call bingo at United Methodist Church. **************************************************************************************************************3. Powerhouse Hughes pinned Lord Zoltan after a low blow. Zoltan kept tossing Hughes to the floor so Playa could retaliate with a chair. Finally, Playa got sick of doing Zoltan's dirty work. They argued, and Hughes snuck in for the victory. ------------- Before the bout, Zoltan complained that Steel City Wrestling has a grudge against The Dope Show, since he and partner Shirley Doe are never booked on the same shows. Doe is currently training in Florida with Dory Funk Jr. ************************************************************************************************************** 4 Christian York pinned "Beef Stew" Lou Marconi with a victory roll to earn a shot at Mike Quackenbush and the junior heavyweight title. ************************************************************************************************************** 5. Julio Sanchez pinned Big Neal the Real Deal after a jumping sidekick. ************************************************************************************************************** 6. TV champion Don Montoya pinned Romeo Valentino after a Michinoku driver. ************************************************************************************************************** 7. Junior heavyweight champion Mike Quackenbush pinned Christian York after an Ocean cyclone suplex (backdrop off the shoulders). ------------------ After the match, the other wrestlers lifted the departing York on their shoulders as the fans chanted "Christian! Christian!" One of the fans even baked a cake for York (at home, not at the arena). We at Steel City Wrestling wish Christian York and Joey Matthews the best of luck in WCW.
